FAQ Section: Web Services Examples



Using Web APIs with JSON - MIT

Alphabetical Samples

AudD® Music Recognition API - Peter

Bar Code File Generation - Amerkashi

Check Web Connection - Sivagiri, Imagnity, Taifun

Check Web Connection - vknow360

Collect Data via DeviceHub.net API - Timothy Woo

cURL to blocks automatic generator - Jerin_Jacob

Display a Web Page with a button click

Facebook Login Extension - mirxtrem_apps

Firebase: with the Web Component - Secure Rules - TimAI2

Google Analytics

Google Apps Script via V8-Engine Extension - cttricks

Google Books API- JSOn - Sajal Dutta

Google Calendar API tutorial by Phantomfoot thread

Google Calendar API via Google apps script - TIMAI2

Google Drive CSV FIle Single Download - TimAI2

Google Drive .mp3 files into Player - TIMAI2

Google Drive (TIMAI2)

Google Drive Sync to AI2 - TimAI2

Google Drive (Taifun)

Google Earth from KML using Activity Starter

Google Forms (Sheets) - Taifun

Google Maps with Markers (Discussion)

How to upload a file into your Dropbox - Taifun

IFTTT WebHooks: sonoff/Ewelink Smart Home - Alexandre_Gorine

ImageMagick API with Appinventor - @TimAI2

Installing your own TinyWebDB

Kodi.tv JSON parsing

MQTT Projects - Internet of Home Things

MSSQL Server Interface - @Taifun, Kodular

MySQL Interface - Taifun

Simplified NASA AOPD api - @SteveJG

Node.js MySQL (MariaDB). Web server in PC. Insert. Update. Delete. Select - Juan_Antonio

OAUTH Login - Taifun


Open Trivia Database opentdb.com

OpenUV.io - ABG

Openweathermap and BlueTooth Ltd Control - Kon

OpenWeatherMap Reverse Geocoding - SteveJG

Parse a piece of html - Taifun

Paypal - Peep Prants

Post European Characters to Google Sheet

Pubnub interface chat example

qrserver.com QR code generator- ABG

QuickChart.io samples using dict and JSON - @manyone , @Gordon_Lu

Reverse Geocoding with locationIQ - dora_paz

Rotten Tomatoes (TM) API example (Steve Zipprich)

RSS FeedMe from lost tair site - Taifun

Skype calling - Taifun

SOAP - S4nd33p, Taifun

SpeechBrain Voice Recording and Analysis - bob_isat

tankerkoenig.de gasoline price map

Thingspeak - Sunak 2014

ThingSpeak extension - Andre Castro 2019

Weather Forecasts from USA National Weather Service - @SteveJG, @TIMAI2

Web Server extension - Juan Antonio

WhatsApp Messaging - Taifun, Vickylives

Wikipedia API - Gordon_Lu

XML Parsing

Yelp - TimAI

Get Data from Raspbery Pi (TIMAI2)

Add user-agent to the web component (TIMAI2)

Web API Collections

List of Free / Freemium Web APIs! - Gordon_Lu