How do you read a csv from google drive?

my blocks

Here are two ways, the first using lists, the second using dictionaries

My url is different from your
I think this is problem, I know how to parse a csv, but I don't know how to get it from gdrive

Now you can see how to construct the url to call down a google sheet in csv format :slight_smile:

Ok, thank you, but my question was "How to read a csv from googledrive", not how to read a a google sheet

I beg your pardon :slight_smile:

  1. Get the File ID for the csv file
  2. Use the following url syntax to replace the one above

You must ensure that your csv file has the correct format. If you don't get the results you are expecting, just check what is coming back in responseContent, then amend your file accordingly.

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Many thanks, it runs perfectly, now I have 2 solutions: googlesheet and gdrive.
Attached blocks for gdrive

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