Problema web vew

Project.aia (774.6 KB)

i don't have it. My aia uploaded. Thank you

You have correctly assigned the arrangement to the customWebView, the problem is that the arrangement is very small and if if you set the height of the arrangement it does not allow you to scroll.

I don't know if there is away to increase the height and to allow scrolling...

I found this trick by @TIMAI2

but I don't know if there is a better way.

what a pity! What i really need is to create a feed rss reader into the area circled in red, but i haven't found any instructions or aia (just many but no one works). Do you have any suggestion about this? A user sent me this aia, but it doesn't work (and however i would like to see the feed in the botton of the screen and not by clicking the button).
rss_oggieunaltropost.aia (3.1 KB)

If you look at the aia you posted, it uses the web component to fetch the rss feed, and displays this in a textbox.

No webviewer is used.

If you need it to continually update, then use a clock timer.

hi Timai. I have tried to use this feed rss reader but when i click on the button nothing appears. and you? However i need that the feed rss is displayed into the circle area without click anything. Thank you

I had a look at the rss_ogg... aia.

You need to give the web component a user-agent in the headers....the receiving url is expecting one, and it seems the web component does not have one as default...

This returns the xml which is then "parsed" (only partially) by the titoli procedure.

(Added to: FAQ Section: Web Services Examples)

Hi Timai and really thank you for your help. However i'm incompetent in this matter so i don't think very well what you are telling me to do. I edited the rss_ogg... aia as in your screen but the button however doesn't work.
Beyond that, i wanna see the rss feed not by clicking a button but automatically in the red circle area, when the user will be on my app's main screen.

Do you think is possible starting by the rss_ogg... aia i've posted? Or do you know if there is a place where i can find a ready .aia project to use?

Thank you so much.

If you do not want to click a button, then put the web1.get in your Screen.initialise.

I'm not able to make it works, i think i will abandon the idea. I've done all that you advised me but in every way i cannot see the feed rss in the page. Thank you for your time.

Show your relevant blocks

Here there is the original aia (rss_ogg...) that i have modified (maybe) as you suggest
RSS 1_way.aia (2.6 KB)

Here there is the aia created by your suggest in this pic
RSS 2_way (TIMAI).aia (2.7 KB)


Try this, your url and user agent were not correct.

RSS_2_way_TIMAI1_revised.aia (2.9 KB)

Thank you.

If i open your aia project it works well with the sample rss that you insert, but if i insert the rss feed that i need it doesn't work.

If i bring your code in my app, adapting it to my code, it doesn't work neither with the sample rss link you inserted, nor with the rss link I need.

i have attached the aia of my official project with the rss that i need, so you can see. (consider that i wanna read the feed into the red circle area)

MYAPP+FEED TIMAI_NotWork.aia (771.2 KB)

Disable that block:

MYAPPFEED_TIMAI_NotWork1_revised.aia (771.3 KB)

You did not look at the feed from the new url. Needed to replace the <title type=text> with just <title>

You may need to do some formatting/layout work on that screen and more work in the titolo procedure to return the results from the xml that you want.

ok, thank you so very very much, now i think i understood how to proceed. But let me ask a question: all this procedure for having only the title on the screen? i thought that the procedure would return the last news on the site :woozy_face:
isn't that?

Not my procedure....:wink:

If you identify what it is you want to show, you can probably work out what you need to do in order to show it.

This ?

<![CDATA[ <p> </p> <p> "IL PATROCINIO A SPESE DELLO STATO"</p> <p> 13 dicembre 2023</p> <p> ore 16,00-19,00</p> <p> Centro Eventi Arte | Viale XVIII Dicembre, 124 - Latina</p> <p> Iscrizioni tramite piattaforma RICONOSCO</p> <p>Evento accreditato dal COA di Latina con il riconoscimento di n. 2 crediti formativi in materie obbligatorie e n. 1 credito formativo ordinario.</p> <figure><img src=",h_914,al_c,q_80/file.png" ></figure> ]]>

Generate a list of all the items in <content:encoded>
Select the last (or first?) in list (for last use length of list for this)
Given the content is in html, you should be able to display it, and the image, in a webview

sorry, but i am totally ignorant on the subject AND I DON'T KNOW WHY I STARTED TO DO THIS CRAZY THING (but at this point, unfortunately, I can't go back :headstone:) so i have some difficult (I took it for granted that the RSS feed shows the content of the article and not just the title, as happens on websites) :man_facepalming:

Following your advise, i wanna show in the red circle area the last news on the page (that every time i post a news change).

So, i think i need to individuate a dynamic link in the rss page that is the last news that everytime changes and to put it somewhere. (lol) it's like that? and i can do it following what you say in the last message?

i will, but if i disable that block the image go smaller, so i am taking it until i will have the time to resize the image. Thank You mate! :wink:

Buongiorno a tutti.
Mi sono cimentato nello sviluppo di un'app molto semplice che, considerate le mie conoscenze meno che minime, è giunta ad un buon punto. Tuttavia, sto riscontrando un po' di difficoltà nella compilazione di due elementi: la status bar e il news feed. Premetto di aver già compilato entrambe i codici e che sono sicuro che essi funzionano, il problema è che non riesco ad adattarli alla mia schermata.

Chiedo se qualcuno fosse disposto a dare un'occhiata al mio progetto e ad aiutarmi a sistemare i due codici nella forma corretta.

Grazie a chi vorrà aiutarmi.