I have make another version of TableViewer, it's a package of Webviewer and Javascript and CSS.
so you can set up the style as you wish, if you know some CSS knowledge.
add event OnShowTable, fired after ShowTable is called.
SetStyleSheet now can accept url to an external css file.
add SetClass block, which can set class to a tag or id selector
add ClearStyle block, which can clear all styles, including the native basic style(table border)
bring back ShowTable. since this will greatly enhance the performance of the extension.
add RunJs function and AfterRunJs event.
add OnScroll event
add ScroolTo function
deprecated ShowTable function
add ClearTabe block.
other minor fix. Now you can use data rows with different length.
add SetStyleSheet block, you can write the stylesheet here, if you have too much style to setup. Only the last time to use this block works, since the second time will override first time.
add ShowTable block. Now every time you change the data and style, you have to call this block to show the table. Specially for those updated from v1.
add HasHead and HasFoot property. If set to true, it will take the first row of data as head, and last row as foot.
the default value is false.
add SourceCode property to show the source code for easy to debug.
Alll Blocks
block names have indicated what they can do.
data: a list of list
now the sheet socket can accept:
style sheet like 'th{background-color:lightblue; position:sticky; top:0}'
With these blocks I can set the selected cell background color, how can I restore the previous color after selecting another cell? I can save row and col but the color ?