This also crashes for me on Android 12 with companion.
Did you test compiled ?
This also crashes for me on Android 12 with companion.
Did you test compiled ?
Yes, compiled no output on 11 and 13
KenTableVIew5 aia works using Companion on my Android 13 for what it is worth
It runs well (compiled & Companion) also in my project (TextAllignement = left)
Neither version of the extension will run in companion for me on Android 13.
Have you tried restarting the device.
I also get an error, if TextAlignment
is not set to "center
I'm using 2.69 without U
That "should not" make any difference, but it does!! Just tested and the app loads in companion on 13.
The last version I posted (V4.6Int) also handles text alignment OK.
Thanks for posting that @patel
In the confusion of this I ended up with two files named com.kennicholsandroid.TableView.aix
One did not work and I thought it was version 5, the other does work and is evidently the real 5.
After throwing everything around this afternoon it seems you need two things at the moment (2023-01-14) for this to all work properly.
Thanks to all for their help/testing/pointers
The version 5 is working.
Hmm, maybe for your device.
When I switch between different extension versions, I also have problems with Companion (just as happened with other extensions). I therefore basically delete the companion folder \Android\data\\
. After that everything works fine (and in this case regardless of the extension version).
Hi guys, can anyone provide me the tableviewer extension version 5?
(Ken's TableView Extension)
Look up a few posts, you may need v4.6 instead ?
Also worth considering, and I recommend, the Tableviewer Extension
I'm wondering, if it is possible to create just one table and call for different data. For example: user type a word in textbox, and then table is created with data. I was generating data from spreadsheet by web component. I have many sheet with different data and i wanted to make something like searchbar that call those sheets in table
Yes, this is possible.