FAQ Section: Blocks Editor

Typeblocking video demo - MIT

Blocks Editor needs Browser Popups for Typeblocking and Downloaded Blocks Images

Finding hidden error or warning icons using Chrome Web Browser Inspector - TFO

Searching in the Blocks Editor - Ghica

Sharing Blocks Though github.com - ABG

Can't Select or Drag some blocks because of AntiVirus

Deep Nesting distorts Blocks Editor; Use mutators

Too Many Blocks - ABG

How to poison the Blocks Editor using Printer Codes in Text Blocks - Juan_Antonio, David_S

Browser extensions

Browser extension that adds on a Block Finder - Hritik Pujhari at Kodular (tested on AI2 Brave OK)

Chrome Extension AI2Helper - block finder, download all blocks separately or in zip, and remove all orphan blocks with one click - Kevinkun

GreasyFork/Tampermonkey script Find/Download - @Kevinkun

Block Printing

How to get black and white blocks for printing - @Kevinkun

Hand made (shell scripts) solution to nicely print the blocks - islegmar

Blocks Repair

How to find and remove a broken block - @Boban