Sorry, But I have too much of blocks instead of this method.

Why these blocks are helpful instead of this below(I am just asking the differences)
Sorry, But I have too much of blocks instead of this method.
Why these blocks are helpful instead of this below(I am just asking the differences)
My blocks return the key and value together, so that you have a reference.
@nishyanthkumar 's answer was quite correct, because you did ask for the values only
Is there any way to get all blocks by manual edit process?
I do not wanted to recreate whole app.
So you started using Kodular again. Why do you switch every time?
No, I am using App Inventor.
But my big project is not getting import in App Inventor, that's why i am in stress to loss of al the blocks and whole project
This is my App Inventor Aia File,
Please help me to load it in the Kodular after replacing all components of Kodular to extensions.
KinnkoMultiFun.aia (306.8 KB)
See the AI2Helper browser extension to do a mass download of blocks as PNG files you might be able to drag into a fresh project.
What should i do with this extension and why you suggest me this?
Please be more specific
Png files are a fine grained way to take backups of blocks, one procedure, event, or global init at a time, if you name the downloads well. If you don't edit them, they can be dragged into a fresh project's Blocks Editor workspace.
You can create them one at a time in the Blocks Editor.
The AI2Helper browser extension lets you make them a Screen at a time.
Show me a practical demo or provide a video representation.
you could try reading:
This is just a block image downloader. If it is more of that show me demo.
These blocks can be dragged directly into your Blocks Editor workspace.
Okay Great! I am going to test it.
The first, smallest thing you should change is to standardize the number of digits replacing a letter.
For you A = 1, D = 4, L = 12 etc... it is not correct because you will never recognize if 11 is AA or K. It should be: A = 01, D = 04, L = 12. Always two digits.
Besides, someone has already thought of encoding characters into digital form and it is called ascii. You can apply a similar principle to ascii, or simply use ascii. So the solution is to encode not only letters, but also numbers, and then decode everything in turn.
This is the really great idea for me to convert all codes to ASCII as they can convert such a amazing and very easy and useful idea ever tried. I cannot express my feelings i am feeling right now.
Let me know how to convert Text to ASCII and ASCII to Text in the application (provide any component or extension).
You have a choice of Decimal or Hex, which do you prefer ?
You said no letters in the barcode, so I guess Decimal ?
Yes, I preferred decimals.
Can barcodes can be ready with letters also?