Import many blocks to a project. Import .aia or copy from backpack?

Dear all,
I searched a way to import let say a sub-project into the main one. The sub-project has about 30 blocks.

To start I tried to see if I could import the .aia file but it doesn't seams to be possible.
As second options I checked with the help of backpack. In this case I can copy all blocks to an empty backpack and paste these all in the main one. So far so good.

The only issue I can't work around is that regardless where in the block space I'm, whichever is the current block highlighted, all the blocks are copied automatically I believe in the middle of the space above other actual block making a mess and at the end make this feature not helping at all.

Is there something I miss in either option?

thanks a lot

Just drag out the blocks in the backpack to where you want them. May be a bit tedious doing 30 d&d, but you will get them where you want them.

I prefer the draggable png downloaded block image file approach.

I keep folders of named png files with my aia exports.

P.S. These blocks can be dragged directly into your Blocks Editor workspace.

Dragging blocks

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@ABG Please, could you elaborate this a little more?

I believe I understood the concept... But what exactly is the procedure to start from *.aia and convert this to png named?

TIA :pray:



No, I create them in the Blocks Editor, either manually or via the AI2Helper browser extension.

To be honest, at first I've been full of hope to download the block space as single .png and import one file with all sub block but only later I understood it is a different way of importing block by block...

I don't have an opinion between the 2 metods. For sure saving single blocks is an interesting features more then takin a screenshot for record

Thnaks for support