Hand made solution to nicely print the blocks


I really everything related with this wonderful tool, thanks a lot for the big effort :slight_smile: But unfortunately it has some lacks and one of them is a nice print utility so you can print your blocks when your code starts to be something big.
This is a hand made solution I use, so take it as it is.


Basically it automarizes the process of splitting the big image in small pieces and create a PDF with the single images obtained.

It is not very user friendly (scripting) but it works :slight_smile:

I hope it is also useful for you.


@islegmar :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: great job

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Maybe you can give a example of generated pdf?

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Fantastic @islegmar :+1:t2::+1:t2:

In https://islegmar.github.io/mit-app-inventor-utils/README.md you have links to the original image, the one splitted and the PDF generated.. The PDF is very simple, just the images put together one per page. More sophisticated things are possible with the use fex. of pandoc.

I see some bash shell scripts.
What environments can run these?

(added to FAQ)

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You need a linux or if you have windows (this is my case) you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), that lets you run Linux software on your Windows PC. When you enable WSL, Windows will install a custom-built Linux kernel. You can then install Ubuntu or another Linux distribution of your choice.