3.- App sends several information at the same time.
In this example we will use the same App as in the previous example.
Suppose we want to send two information at the same time, for example we want to turn on LED12 and turn off LED13.
We write in the TextBox: on12, off13 [the asterisk will be added automatically at the end of this text]
The Arduino code will check if the text sent contains the string: on12, off12, on13, off13
To check if a substring is in a text we use indexOf: if(palabra.indexOf("on12")>= 0)
We can also put the text in another order: off13, on12
// Juan A. Villalpando
// http://kio4.com/appinventor/9A0_Resumen_Bluetooth.htm
#define Pin12 12
#define Pin13 13
char caracter;
String palabra;
void setup() {
pinMode(Pin12, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Pin13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if(Serial.available()) {
caracter = Serial.read();
palabra = palabra + caracter;
if(caracter == '*') {
palabra = palabra.substring(0, palabra.length() - 1); // Delete last char *
if(palabra.indexOf("on12")>= 0){digitalWrite(Pin12, HIGH);}
if(palabra.indexOf("off12")>= 0){digitalWrite(Pin12, LOW);}
if(palabra.indexOf("on13")>= 0){digitalWrite(Pin13, HIGH);}
if(palabra.indexOf("off13")>= 0){digitalWrite(Pin13, LOW);}
palabra = "";
- As we have seen in the previous section, if we send known words ("on12", "off12"...), it is not necessary to indicate the end of the message, in this case the asterisk.