Hi Good Day! I really need help, I can't quite figure out why this thing is not working, this app is from " Bluetooth HC-06. Arduino. Send. Receive. Send text file. Multitouch. Image - #5 by Juan_Antonio " entitled: 5.- App requests temperature and humidity to the Arduino. The Arduino sends values. I followed everything, I set the set the DelimiterByte value 10, set the arduino UNO code baudrate to 9600, then tried 115200, still the app doesn't work. When connecting to HC-05 Bluetooth module it works but on the Check Temperature button when I click it - it just freeze, as shown in the picture below.
This was the app code:
And this is the arduino UNO Code:
char caracter;
void setup() {
void loop(){
int humedad = 10;
int temperatura = 11;
delay(300) ;
// Bluetooth
if(Serial.available()) {
caracter = Serial.read();
if(caracter == 'T')
int temper = temperatura;
Serial.print("\n"); // Fin de línea. Importante.
if(caracter == 'H')
int humed = humedad;
Serial.print("\n"); // Fin de línea. Importante.
caracter == ' ';