Two mobiles. Bluetooth Server - Client. Study

Hello friends,

  • I wrote two topics about Server-Client mobile connections via Bluetooth:

1.- Two mobiles. Connection Server - Client by Bluetooth. LDR trigger a relay

2.- Two mobiles Server - Client Bluetooth.

Now I am going to write a little tutorial on the data types sent.

Here tutorial in Spanish:

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1.- Two mobiles. Bluetooth Server - Client.

p9C3_Servidor_BTi.aia (10.7 KB)

p9C3_Cliente_BTi.aia (13.1 KB)


Client.Bluetooth DelimiterByte: 10

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2.- Comments.

  • First we connect the Server, then the Client. When they are connected, click on "Start Clock" to start receiving data


  • We can send a Text: "El ñandú tiene 46 años." and receive it as a text on the Client.

  • We can also receive that text as UnsignedBytes, we will obtain a list with the ASCII value of each character:

[69, 108, 32, 195, 177, 97, 110, 100, 195, 186, 32, 116, 105, 101, 110, 101, 32, 52, 54, 32, 97, 195, 177, 111, 115 , 46]

  • If we receive it as SignedBytes, those numbers greater than 127, we will receive them in negative.

[69, 108, 32, -61, -79, 97, 110, 100, -61, -70, 32, 116, 105, 101, 110, 101, 32, 52, 54, 32, 97, -61, -79, 111, 115, 46]


  • We can also send a list of Bytes with decimal values, for example: 65, 66, 67, 68, 69

  • If we receive them as text, we will obtain their ASCII character, in our case we will receive: ABCDE

  • If we receive them as UnsignedBytes, we will obtain a list with the numerical values ​​sent:
    [65, 66, 67, 68, 69]

  • If we receive them as SignedBytes, this time we will obtain the same previous values, since none exceeds 127


  • Another possibility is to send the information using 4 Bytes Number, this must be a decimal number from 0 to 4,294,967,296 (256 x 256 x 256 x 256)

  • In the example we send: 3,999,368,245 we will receive it as UnsignedBytes in list form:
    [53, 132, 97, 238]

  • It is a binary number encoded in decimal parts, whose decimal value is:

53 x 1 + 132 x 256 + 95 x 65,536 + 238 x 16,711,580 = 3,999,368,245

  • If we receive it as SignedBytes, we will obtain:
    [53, -124, 97, -18]

  • Negative numbers are due to exceeding 127.

3.- Two's Complement. Signed numbers.

  • We have the number 177, we convert it to binary and we obtain:

  • If we convert that number to signed binary, it turns out that the left bit becomes a sign and the numerical value corresponds to the two's complement of the other 7 bits.

  • Two's complement, it results from inverting the bits and adding a 1 to the number obtained:

  • We make this change when the number we want to convert is greater than 127.

  • One way to obtain the decimal number is to subtract it from 256, that is

256 - 177 = 79

Error 507: Unable to connect. Is the device turned on?

I ran both the Server and the Client and the connection was made perfectly.
Disconnect the Server or Client.
I tried to reconnect and always got the error:
Error 507: Unable to connect. Is the device turned on?

I went into Bluetooth Server settings, erased all data.

Now I can reconnect.