How can I relate bluetooth connection between two screen?

How can I relate bluetooth connection between two screen? Hi i wok on project. This is music player, when i press name of button then music is playing and also second screen is opening. But I can't make bluetooth connection in secend screen. In first screen i pick bluetooth name then bluetooth will be connect it is okey. There is no problem, but when i switch second screen when i press the pause button it showed bluetooth error. My target is when i switch second screen, keeping the bluetooth connection. İ don't want to connect again to bluetooth in second screen. therefore i make like this block
Screenshot 2022-09-18 125439
But it give error. This is my bluetooth module code "00:20:10:08:0A:9B"

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in two screen have the same bluetooth client

It is not a good idea to work with Bluetooth on two screens since the connection is lost when moving from one to another.
Normally virtual screens are used (two VerticalArrangement)...

If you want to try it with two Screen, try...