Hi guys!
Is there anyone who programmed a programmable keyboard for an android phone?
If yes what device did you use and able to connect to your android phone.
Thank you very much.
Hi guys!
Is there anyone who programmed a programmable keyboard for an android phone?
If yes what device did you use and able to connect to your android phone.
Thank you very much.
You mean a hardware keyboard?
You can create a keyboard with Arduino and Bluetooth or with Arduino and the Serial extension via USB/OTG cable.
Okay, well I'm.not sure it is possible but I want to write a program where when I press a button on the keyboard then play a sound via the phone...im not sure is understandable I wrote.
Do you think is it possible?
The previous example deals with the fact that when a key is pressed, information is sent via Bluetooth to the application and it displays an image.
Your application would be that when pressing a key a sound sounds.
Here is a conversation from the old forum about someone interfacing a MIDI keyboard https://groups.google.com/g/mitappinventortest/c/3nT6zFXSEsY . That sounds similar to what you want to do.
Or https://www.musiah.com/articles/equipment-tips/how-to-connect-midi-keyboard-to-ipad-with-bluetooth.html that might be adapted for Android devices.
An extension for playing MIDI files ? [ALPHA] MIDI Player Extension - Testers Needed
These examples do not use hardware. They play sounds using the Android as a key board. What is shown might be useful to you.
See Xylophone but you might have to implement the 'corrections' shown here to get this tutorial project to work https://groups.google.com/g/mitappinventortest/c/Iu-tiC9GWgk/m/Xw3wdzFUBgAJ
Hi.Jozsef sikerult megtalanod a megfelelo megoldast? mert akkor segithenel nekem enis azt szeretnem amit te kerdeztel