Pro camera: The pro custom camera

Pro camera made designed to work with lastest Android camera API wich gives
which gives accessibility to more features.

:information_source: Extension needs Android 5.0 Lollipop and above in-order for the extension to work.

Extension features

  • Latest API used
  • Camera Filters
  • Noise reduction mode
  • Enhance mode for preview and output
  • Lock and Unlock camera focus
  • Manual focus over distance (Currently supported in some devices having the feature)
  • Other minor things that a normal camera have


Explaining how each block work and their features

Fired when camera focus is locked successfully.


Fired when the user zooms by pinch


zoomTypeIncrease: Whether the zoom has been increased

Fired when camera preview is touched

Fired when camera focus is unlocked successfully

:information_source: If the events FocusLocked or FocusUnlocked is not fired then the phone dosent supports locking camera focus in API.

Fired when camera layout or the camera preview is initialized

Fired when camera and camera's settings are refreshed is live state

Fired when the photo is saved successfully into the internal storage

Fired when zoom of camera is changed

Initialize the camera view to the component (arrangement) given.


component: Arrangement to initialize the camera
cameraType: Camera type, front-camera or rear-camera


Focus on the given distance unit measured in diopters. Just google it.

:warning: This feature may not work on some devices, no way to check if supported and may throw error. Learn more: StackOverFlow


distance: Distance needs to be focused in diopeters

Check if the extension is supported on the device

Return Type: True / False | boolean

Locks the camera focus the currently focusing object

Fires event: when FocusLocked

Unlocks the camera focus from the object

Fires event: when FocusUnlocked

Refreshes the camera along with all settings applied

Fires event: when RefreshedCamera

Destroys the camera layout and resets the camera

Takes the picture and saves in the path given

Fires event: when SavedPhoto

Saves the preview picture

:white_check_mark: Stable and recommended way to save pictures.

Fires event: when SavedPhoto

Adds the given arrangement inside the camera view


Sets the zoom of the camera preview

Fires event: when ZoomChanged


Check if the camera view is active (visible)

Return Type: True / False | boolean

Work: Sets the camera filter, input values in numbers

Returns: Current camera filter in numbers

Returns: Default camera filter value 0

Returns: Mono camera filter value 1

Returns: Negative camera filter value 2

Returns: Solarize camera filter value 3

Returns: Sepia camera filter value 4

Returns: Posterize camera filter value 5

Returns: Whiteboard camera filter value 6

Returns: Blackboard camera filter value 7

Returns: Aqua camera filter value 8

Work: Sets the camera ehnhance mode, input values in True / False | boolean

Returns: Current value of enhance mode

Work: Sets the camera flash mode, input values in True / False | boolean


Returns: Current value of flash mode

Work: Sets the camera visible / invisible, input values in True / False | boolean


Returns: Current value of is visible

Work: Sets the camera output image, input values in Text

Returns: Current value of output image

Work: Sets the camera noise reduction mode, input values in numbers

Returns: Current value of noise reduction mode

Returns: Default noise reduction mode value 0

Returns: Fast noise reduction mode value 1

Returns: Hign quality noise reduction mode value 2

Returns: Minimal noise reduction mode value 3

Returns: No shutter lag noise reduction mode value 4

Returns: Camera type front value 0

Returns: Camera type rear value 1

Returns: Camera's max zoom

Work: Enables or disables the feature to pinch to zoom, input values in True / False | boolean


Returns: Current value of pinch to zoom


Returns: Current value of camera zoom

Work: Sets the focus mode type, input value in numbers


Returns: FaceFocusMode simple value 0


Returns: FaceFocusMode high value 2

Pro camera: 2.0 changed


Fired when the user zooms by pinch


zoomTypeIncrease: Whether the zoom has been increased

Fired when camera preview is touched

Work: Enables or disables the feature to pinch to zoom, input values in True / False | boolean


Returns: Current value of pinch to zoom

Adds the given arrangement inside the camera view


Check if the camera view is active (visible)

Work: Sets the focus mode type, input value in numbers


Returns: FaceFocusMode simple value 0


Returns: FaceFocusMode high value 2


Returns: Current value of camera zoom

Internal changes

  • Fixed minor issues & done modifications
  • Fixed issue where extension failed to take the photo.

Thanks to all the beta testers :heartpulse:

Output result screenshots

Note that the camera layout size of more than 70% may look stretched.


Open source

Any suggestions or improvements are appreciated! Lemme know if you face any issue!


Fabulous, nice, awesome......Extension @Kumaraswamy :smiley:


nice @Kumaraswamy you did a great job


Wow, Nice Extension @Kumaraswamy


Indian Amount :star_struck:

And Nice Extension


APK File??

Hello, currently I don't provide APK file for security reasons, I can give you if you're more interested in buying.


Ok thanks for replying :blush:


Holy cow Batman - the extension of 2021 so far. :sunglasses:


Pro camera: Version 2.0 :watermelon:


Fired when the user zooms by pinch


zoomTypeIncrease: Whether the zoom has been increased

Fired when camera preview is touched

Work: Enables or disables the feature to pinch to zoom, input values in True / False | boolean


Returns: Current value of pinch to zoom

Adds the given arrangement inside the camera view


Check if the camera view is active (visible)

Work: Sets the focus mode type, input value in numbers


Returns: FaceFocusMode simple value 0


Returns: FaceFocusMode high value 2


Returns: Current value of camera zoom

Internal changes

  • Fixed minor issues & done modifications.
  • Fixed issue where extension failed to take the photo.

could you add functions like ISO adjustment , set time of exposure,like 1/8S,1/2s...... 2s ...


The extension is now free! Enjoy!


i try to build to apk but after installation on phone i open it and the app crash when it initialize camera

Hello, could you please show me you're blocks and android version?

hello thank you for reply

here is my phone detail. it use android 9

i try this block via usb from ai starter it works perfectly. i can take photo using both front and rear camera.
but when i build it to apk
when i press button check support, it says my phone is support. but when i press button initialize camera it crash
i try to open the app again but it crash again
it crash if i click button initialize camera

1 Like

Hello, could you please try enabling the storage permission for the app? Is permission allowed?


thankyou so much kumaraswamy :blush:
now it work flawlesly
turns out i forgot to allowed camera permission
you are my savior, you are so genious :metal:


I'm happy to listen to this!


@ ᴋᴜᴍᴀʀᴀsᴡᴀᴍʏ_ʙ.ɢ

Enhancement suggestion - allow the App to write text on the photo (typically a date-time stamp).


I am having a discussion with the developer of the Pro Camera extension on a different form. The form moderator suggested I bring the conversation to this form. Here's a summary…

--- Me ---
Thanks for a great extension.
I would like to do a CCTV type app that sends low-quality video from one phone to another via my local LAN. I did an app like this years ago, but it uses the original camera library which is no longer supported on my Android 11 devices.
Is there a way to get a bitmap or JPEG preview image from the frame (vertical layout) into a byte array variable that can be sent over the network to another device?
--- Pro camera extension developer ---
Yes, this is possible to be done. You can use any extension (other) which will return the byte values in a list that you can send over networks. But it may lag a bit because the list size will be too high.
--- Me ---
I’m not super knowledgeable in using App Inventor. Do you know what code (blocks) would be used in order to read the byte data from the frame (vertical arrangement)?
I agree it would lag terribly if I used the full-sized preview image from the camera. What I did previously was I was able to reduce the preview image size to, for example, 640x480. This was using the original camera library. From what I can tell the camera2 library will use the frame size to reduce the size of the preview image – so if I set the vertical arrangement frame size to 640x480 hopefully it will reduce the preview image size (this is all just a guess).>

  1. In App Inventor how would I get the preview image data from the vertical arrangement?
  2. Will changing the dimensions of the vertical frame change the size of the preview image?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
