Update to remixed extension, now adds a resize function.
Resizes an image file, with format: jpg,png,webp.
A single size is required (will adjust to the longest side), and aspect ratio will be retained.
Important! use the same extension for target and output.
Use the same path for target and output if you want to overwrite the target file - this is irreversible.
Updated again to V8. The extension now uses events to return the output file path, and file sizes for the new file (formatted and in bytes) and target file (in bytes)
Updated again now to V2.10. Included are Rotate and SetOpacity methods.
SetOpacity will only work with png and webp sources.
Updated again to V2.11. Revised code for Opacity.
Thanks @Martin_Herraiz & @Juan_Antonio for encouragement and advice
Image Convertor
Credits @Kumaraswamy for original extension.
Credits to Asad Ali Choudhry for their resize and keep aspect java code
This work by TIMAI2 is licensed under an
MIT Licence