If I use the PermissionGranted event to initialize the camera, the camera will be initialized only once. From the next time the event won't be triggered. So I used a clock which gives 5 seconds to the user to give the permission.
That would require extra off-topic work. The person was after saving and viewing the image, not after the permissions.
Use the AddComponent block to place an arrangement on the camera view, then you can put whatever you want inside the arrangement, and it will display in the camera view.
Compliments to a very powerful extention!
Is any possibility to take the coordinates of the smartphone screen pixel where the user touched the screen (when the .Touched event was fired or by any other workaround)?
If you place a canvas in your arrangement (to fill it) and set background to none, you can get the x,y coordinates from a touch event. You would then need to "translate" these x,y coordinates to match the actual pixel positions in the camera view (if these are different)
Thank you. I placed canvas in arrangement CameraLayout (both with Background to none) and initialized ProCamBase641 passing to it CameraLayout arrangement. But when i click on previewed image only ProCamBase641.Touched event was trigged but Canvas.TouchDown event was NOT (and i can't take coordinates of my click).
I tried also to add component Canvas2 to ProCamBase641 after its initizialization but TouchDown event continua not firing. Where is my error? Thank you very much
I'm trying to switch on/off flash during Image acquisition. Image acquisition is working and the ProcamBase641.Flash is changing from TRUE to FALSE and vice versa (clicking the FlashBtn) but the flash is always OFF. I'll be very thankful for any recomendation. Where is my error?