A few examples of listviews created using @Kevinkun's CompCreator extension
In addition, another listview approach, this time using RGB colour numbers to generate a grid of selectable colours
Another, this time a Calendar made with CompCreator dynamic components, returns date data on date selection.
DynamicCalendar.aia (31.3 KB)
(Credits once more to @KevinKun [CompCreator] and @Ken [ClickEvent] for extensions)
Can I have an aix file of the extension plssssss
Also I am using image + maintext + detailedtext in my listview, and the content is tightly packed with little spacing, and there is little spacing between the content and the edge of the cards. Is there a way to fix it? Thx
Herewith an (barebones) Expandable (DropDown) List example using CompCreator. Each item is a horizontal arrangement with a label for the test. The sublists are in vertical arrangements.
The "fun" part was working out the logic for the click event for the top level list items.
This could be expanded (pun intended) for additional sub levels, but you will need your thinking cap on for that.
This could also be made much prettier, make it look like a cardview list, add list item icons, and drop down icon for those elements that have sublists.
expandableLists.aia (41.7 KB)