Hi , i have a google sheet.
i use in app inventor
in a listpicker
can i see image instead of image link in listpicker?

Hi , i have a google sheet.
Not with the listpicker, but you can with the listview.
Hi,thanks.how convert image link to image?
Something like this:
My spreadsheet and image files are anyone with the link can view
Here is my spreadsheet data:
I will use the Description (Col6), the filename (Col1) and the image FileID (Col2)
Fetch the spreadsheet data from the spreadsheet, convert to an AI2 list, and remove the first item which is the header row.
Then build the listview items, by selecting values 6,1,and 2 from each item in the list (note the url construction for the image file)
Then display the data in the listview (in the designer you should set the listview layout to Image,MainText,DetailText (Vertical)
Your listview should then display (it may take a little time to fetch all the images...):
If you want a bit more control over the number of elements and layout, then you might want to consider using dynamic components to generate your listview:
Hi thanks.
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