Why do i see the row data not the column data

i get rid of the firebase and used the googlesheet for my data so lets help me in three points please!
1-i wanna show the row instead of the column as below

2- lets show me blocks for how to make that join button so i wanna customer when he add his no of people and press join so the data will be saved inside the row did he select so when the existed people num in the sheet is 2 and he added 1 so the sheet no of people will be 3 and his name will be added in the selected row

3- i wanna know how to delete the selected items from googlesheet


i see he just downlaoded a file and used its data but i wanna use the updated google sheet link not just a downloaded file

This sample app shows how to automatically update summary information in Google Sheets:

You will need to study how Google Sheets formulas work.

i found it, this is how to show rows from google sheet
blocks (11)

To be on the safe side, I would put the set Listview Elements block at the end of your format procedure

alright but lets help me in the second request,
as i wanna when press add the new customer data will be added in the same row selected , lets show me its block,
something like that last cells

What method are you going to use to add data to your google sheet ?

Spreadsheet component
Google Apps Script
Google Forms Prefill


i just dont know how to add that global addition for the components, as i said i just wanna add the customer no people fill box in the same selected row whatever the customers additions are so the row cells will be increased

A full Create/Read/Update/Delete using google forms / spreadsheet is detailed HERE

but i wanna add more cells to the selected row not updating cells in the row

i got the data read and delete but am still stuck about how to show every value in the textbox from the list view after selecting
i have the read all code and delete code so please lets send me the addition code not just the updating

i made the showing to textboxes