I am creating an amateur app with the openweather API...the free one gives me both current conditions and forecasts every 3 hours for the next 5 days.
Up to the current conditions all ok, when I try to enter the forecasts I have a problem. One forecast looks like this:
<name>Municipality of Bari</name>
<location altitude="0" latitude="41.1177" longitude="16.8512" geobase="geonames" geobaseid="6542001"/>
<sun rise="2022-08-16T04:03:00" set="2022-08-16T17:51:07"/>
<time from="2022-08-16T15:00:00" to="2022-08-16T18:00:00">
<symbol number="500" name="light rain" var="10n"/>
<precipitation probability="0.26" unit="3h" value="0.53" type="rain"/>
<windDirection deg="119" code="ESE" name="East-southeast"/>
<windSpeed mps="0.75" unit="m/s" name="Calm"/>
<windGust gust="1.4" unit="m/s"/>
<temperature unit="celsius" value="30.87" min="29.62" max="30.87"/>
<feels_like value="32.21" unit="celsius"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1011"/>
<humidity value="49" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="cielo sereno" all="8" unit="%"/>
<visibility value="10000"/>
<time from="2022-08-16T18:00:00" to="2022-08-16T21:00:00">
<symbol number="801" name="poche nuvole" var="02n"/>
<precipitation probability="0.06"/>
<windDirection deg="354" code="N" name="North"/>
<windSpeed mps="0.66" unit="m/s" name="Calm"/>
<windGust gust="1.82" unit="m/s"/>
<temperature unit="celsius" value="29.7" min="28.8" max="29.7"/>
<feels_like value="31.39" unit="celsius"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1011"/>
<humidity value="55" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="poche nuvole" all="11" unit="%"/>
<visibility value="10000"/>
(formatted by Taifun)
I'm using XML format, and as you can see the file consists of two "times" that I can't split. I tried to do it this way, but it gives me an error:
How can I make it read only the first "time," then the second and so on?
August 16, 2022, 4:08pm
Show us your query and the raw responseContent.
when in "Lb_condition2" I call the XML2 extract and proceed with the list "weatherdata,forecast,time(1),symbol" I get the error "The operation lookup in pairs cannot accept the arguments: , [symbol], [not found], [not found]."
August 16, 2022, 5:15pm
There is no subscript notation in XML parsing.
It should be ...,time,1,... and you XML parsing procedure(s) should check each key along the path for whether or not it is a number.
For a number in the path, that number should be used as an index in a select item n from list block, instead of a lookup in pairs block.
<name>Comune di Bari</name>
<location altitude="0" latitude="41.1177" longitude="16.8512" geobase="geonames" geobaseid="6542001"/>
<sun rise="2022-08-16T04:03:00" set="2022-08-16T17:51:07"/>
<time from="2022-08-16T15:00:00" to="2022-08-16T18:00:00">
<symbol number="500" name="pioggia leggera" var="10n"/>
<precipitation probability="0.26" unit="3h" value="0.53" type="rain"/>
<windDirection deg="119" code="ESE" name="East-southeast"/>
<windSpeed mps="0.75" unit="m/s" name="Calm"/>
<windGust gust="1.4" unit="m/s"/>
<temperature unit="celsius" value="30.61" min="29.62" max="30.61"/>
<feels_like value="31.98" unit="celsius"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1011"/>
<humidity value="50" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="cielo sereno" all="0" unit="%"/>
<visibility value="10000"/>
<time from="2022-08-16T18:00:00" to="2022-08-16T21:00:00">
<symbol number="800" name="cielo sereno" var="01n"/>
<precipitation probability="0.06"/>
<windDirection deg="354" code="N" name="North"/>
<windSpeed mps="0.66" unit="m/s" name="Calm"/>
<windGust gust="1.82" unit="m/s"/>
<temperature unit="celsius" value="30.01" min="28.8" max="30.01"/>
<feels_like value="31.56" unit="celsius"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1011"/>
<humidity value="53" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="cielo sereno" all="6" unit="%"/>
<visibility value="10000"/>
<time from="2022-08-16T21:00:00" to="2022-08-17T00:00:00">
<symbol number="800" name="cielo sereno" var="01n"/>
<precipitation probability="0.04"/>
<windDirection deg="332" code="NNW" name="North-northwest"/>
<windSpeed mps="1" unit="m/s" name="Calm"/>
<windGust gust="1.69" unit="m/s"/>
<temperature unit="celsius" value="28.69" min="27.73" max="28.69"/>
<feels_like value="30.66" unit="celsius"/>
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1012"/>
<humidity value="61" unit="%"/>
<clouds value="cielo sereno" all="6" unit="%"/>
<visibility value="10000"/>
For specific blocks, export a .aia file and post it here.
Here is a sample XML explorer app you can try ...
This is a sample app to use to help navigate deep XML or JSON text.
A sample xml.txt file is pre-loaded in the Media folder, or you can use its Web component to get more data to parse.
As you click on its ListView, the path you have taken is built up and displayed, step by steps.
The path Label displays the choices made. When pair lookups are encountered, the key to the pair is shown in the path, usually a text value. When a list item selection is made from non-pairs, the list index is add…
Also see samples in
With KIO4_DecoJson extension:
borrar_foreweather.aia (582.6 KB)
Hello friends,
with this extension we can obtain the values of a JSON text, writing its path.
We can also convert string XML to JSON and from JSON to XML.
JSON: https://www.json.org/json-es.html
In JSON we can find:
Object, the elements is in {brace}, for example: {"age": 25, "name": "Juan Antonio", "value": true}
Array, the elements is in [square bracket], for example: ["24", "Pedro Luis", false]
In Array the elements are numbered: store.book [1]
1.- JSON Examples: https://jso…
The problem is that I have the same variable (time) repeated several times... that's why I had tried to put time(1) to extrapolate the data included in the first time...
While I want to take, from this long file (consisting of 40 "times"), the variables of the first time (for example, temperature, wind and conditions; then take the same variables of the second time (as you see the time changes) and so on.
Have you seen the example with the KIO4_DecoJson extension?
Through a loop you can get all the temperatures, humidity,...
It can also be done with the second example that I have put, but it is easier with the first.
sorry for the delay. i used the KIO4_DecoJson extension, but i have problems with the icon and the "". I'll show you an example.
where there is next 3h etc., you can see the inverted commas (''), whereas I would like to get it all as in the first part (so without the '' and with the weather icon).
I think the easiest way is using the Text block,
replace all text
segment: "
yes I had solved it, thank you very much
December 5, 2022, 6:17pm
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