Old dog needs help with a new trick [ESP32C3 BLE Sensor Data]


Let me start by saying that I am 65 and what I am seeking is probably already here - I just can't find it. I am burning some serious new neural pathways in my brain trying to use this MIT tool. That is, if I do not burnout first.

I am reading sensor data from a BME280 with a Seeeduino ESP32C3 and sending the data via BLE. The sketch I am using has truncated UUID's (i.e. 0x2375) for the service and three data characteristics (temperature, humidity, and pressure).

I can find the service and read the individual characteristics and data using nRF Connect (i.e. Temperature: 23) but I have no clue when it comes to using the App Inventor regarding the the BLOCKS designer feature - it is a visual treat and a cerebral nightmare for me, as I have never programmed in this manner before.

I would like to be able to understand the difference between fetching data on a regular basis using a clock as well as fetching upon a change of data. If someone would be so kind as to direct me to some training material that addresses my issues or actually throw me a bone and show me an example of what I am trying to achieve. I am much better at deconstructing and recreating examples than I am starting from "scratch." Thank you, in advance - Baran

PS - if there is a repository of simple sketches, I could probably start there.

Thank you for a wealth of information. I am starting with the elementary-level blocks tutorial.