Extension updates

Hello all,

We have officially released the following extensions via our extensions page:

  • BluetoothLE version 20230728 - Adds Bluetooth related permissions needed for Android 12+ (previously was a beta version available from this site)
  • Micro:bit version 20200518 - Adds a simple interface for I/O pin interaction and UART communication (previously was available via Dropbox).
  • TeachableMachine version 1 - A GSOC project by @Adonis.

The sources for all of these extensions are available on GitHub. Visit our extensions site for more details.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor

(BLE aix location switched to github - ABG 7/24)


(added to FAQ)

According to my tests, "Location" must also be enabled on Android 12+ to list and connect BLE devices.

Enable Location sensor

So something like this is needed to ask the user to enable the location sensor:

Thanks for this new version, just a question, actually i use the previous version in this way :

If i understand right, i can remove all the if SdkVersion blocks ? not exactly sure how to do after update to the new version.
Thanks a lot

Why don't you just try it?
But it's true, the Bluetooth permissions are now automatically requested. However, as I said (showed) above, "Location" must be requested and manually enabled (according to my tests on all Android versions).

With Android 12 and later, it should be the case that if the NoLocationNeeded designer property is checked then compiled apps should get the extra permission flags that allow the BLUETOOTH_SCAN to work without location permission per:

Of course, as we've seen with some manufacturers, they've botched the Bluetooth permission implementation on Android 12 so one's mileage may vary.

It work, but show the message to enable location even if location is enable.

I add your [Extension to check if the Location sensor is enabled] and did like the example you post, it just work perfect.
Thanks a lot

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