New conversational AI tutorial is out: Alexa Messenger

Our latest Conversational AI tutorial "Alexa Messenger" is out: Alexa Messenger

You will learn how to integrate our native mobile app development tools with our Alexa skill development tools to create a 2-way messaging system between a mobile app and an Alexa device.


why my ui become dark mode after open this post?

@Selim_Tezel Something is wrong. Your discussion does not display properly.

Try to fix it please.

(added to FAQ)

I loged in Amazon account but Cannot be linked to Appinventor for testing skill in Alexa Interface..

I have the same problem. When I go to test the skill it wants me to log in but I was told that we don't need a developer account to run the program for the Alexa AI.

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Please make sure that you log in via if you wish to use an automatically generated account. If not, then you'll need to authenticate with your own Amazon Developer account (e.g., if you'd like to try things out with your own Alexa device).

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