In BLE extension RegisterForString crashes

Hi, I have developed a android application to fetch data from BLE Uart. The data I am receiving in sting format. Since yesterday, the RegisterForString crashes the application. The previous compiled apk is working good. Even there is no change in the blocks the new built fails. Could you please help to fix this issue.

Best Regards,
R. Lakshmanan

Welcome. Please search the community before asking. There is a lot of talk about this problems the last couple of days.

Could you please give the link for the relevant issues? I am not finding solutions.


Much depends on the Android version. How old is the previous APK? Perhaps it didn't need to be permissions aware, but now your App is likely to need permissions.

Given there is no change in the Blocks - what have you changed?

The last built apk on 1st july 2024. I have that with me. It is working good till today. I have added a clock to stop scanning for BLE nodes after 5 seconds. That is the only change. But after new built the new application crash in my phone whenever I select the ble node in the listpicker. By debugging I found the RgisterForString has some issue. If I installed the old apk, everything is working for me.

There is a bug in earlier versions of the extension that due to the Android 14 upgrade causes the crash. You must upgrade your BLE extension in your project to version 20240822 to correct this issue.

Yes It solved my Problem. Thanks a lot for quick reply and fix.

Hi Evan

The 20230728 version of the BLE Extension is still on github.

We were considering it experimental at the time I posted the original thread. I'll go through the process of publishing it formally now that enough people have confirmed the fix.

The version on GitHub has been updated.

Remind us of the link, please?

Please see: