BLE NANO 33 SENSE Rev2 RegisterForByte crash

I would like the received integer to be shown in Label_Char1 so that i can see if an integer has been received. I was hoping to get the same result as in LightBlue where i can see the interger increment with 2 seconds delay.

Okay i'll try adding the permissions as you suggest, but it will have to be tomorrow... it's almost midnight now.

Thank you for your input/help i appreciate it.
I will continue debugging when i come home from work tomorrow.

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Use this simplified version of your App for tests.

BLE_controller_edit.aia (203.7 KB)

Hi Chris.
So... I was super unlucky the last few days.. I've picked up an infection in my blood and was admitted to the hospital Thirsday morning.
I just got released today but i still have a fever and will need more tests performed on Friday.

I will add the debug part of your program to mine and test it once my head stops spinning :slight_smile:

That's not nice - wish you a swift recovery.

Just use my "_edit" version of your App as-is.

Okay i tried that... this is what i get:

Bluetooth is indeed turned on :wink:
But maybe there's something somewhere telling the app that it isnt - i cant rule that out.

Oh hey Chris.
Check out ewpatton answer here:

Im using this BLE extension version: 20230728

I think i better try the 20240822 version

Yes! Try it with the _edit file - you just have to install it, everything will update.

Dang.. I really thought we had it there.
I tried it on your BLE_Controller and my own program and both still crash when they connect.

Can you upload your Arduino Sketch (.ino file)

Here it is
BLE_Uint32.ino (2.2 KB)

Make sure this isn't an issue too:

Hmm everything to work perfectly on my board, the only thing that isnt working is on the app side whenever the RegisterForByte/Integer/float block is called.

That's good.

When was the last time you updated the Arduino Boards Manager? There are often updates for the 33 Sense.

Edit: Mbed OS Nano Boards version should be 4.1.5

Seems ok :slight_smile:

I might try and build a new app from scratch instead of just "updating" the BLE extension.. maybe there could be an issue with updating the blocks when the extension is being updated. Bit far fetched but worth a shot i guess.

I wouldn't bother. If the registration is at fault, nothing will work for streaming but read should still work. I'm just going through your .ino and there are a few errors.

So try the _Edit App version with the latest BLE extension loaded, with this Sketch:

BLE_Nano33.ino (2.5 KB)

... I just swapped out the ino with the correct ino :upside_down_face:

the BLE_controller still crashes when RegisterForInteger is called, and the BLE_controller_edit opens up and writes the same thing as in the picture above

If RegisterForIntegers fails, we can use ReadIntegers instead:

BLE_controller_edit2.aia (203.7 KB)