How to fix HAXM Installation error

Hi there, I know there are million and trillion of questions on other communities.
And I also know that this one isn't related to HAXM.

But due to the facts that I need HAXM for the Andriod Emulator and the MIT App Inventor website provides a kinda uselss instruction am I here.

The installer sais VMX supported: No. (Everything else is yes)

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700 G with Radeon Graphics
Screenshot 2024-12-23 124345
Um How can VMX not be supported but enabled?

Screenshot 2024-12-23 124355

Screenshot 2024-12-23 125636
Screenshot 2024-12-23 125651

About that @ABG, does the emulator work if I use Hyper-V or only with HAXM?

Sorry mates my mistake, I ment VMX and not SVM

Do I even need an accelerator? Or is it optional?
Big thanks for your time!

Did you try


I am seeing a lot of Virtual Machine support options in your version of Windows.

Why bang your head against the wall trying to use a dead tool (HAXM) when an Internet search can yield alternative Android Emulators for AMD Windows?

P.S. If you find a good one, let us know so we can add it to the list.

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Ya I got one. It's called Bluestacks (5) I took an older version bc the download was faster, still works perfect (not sure what the differences are, I think BluestacksX got cloudegaming and AI). Requiers Hyper-V

Hint: You got to manually download the compation in the Google Play Store.

BUT: Idk if itst problem om the companion or tge emulator, one screen of my app is broken. (Rather the companion) It worked with the compiled app.
Thanks for your time @ABG

If you are using extensions, there is a bugfix version of the Companion in the aforesaid companion FAQ to address problems with those.

Feel free to start a new thread with the screen problem.

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I use BlueStacks too

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