How do I install extensions?

I want to install Taifun Notifications, but I can't find the .aix file for it, help! :sob:

Step 1: Download the particular extension
Step 2: Extract the compressed folder
Step 3: Open the particular AI2 Project and click on extensions and then on "Import Extension".

Step 4: Click on From My Computer and then on "Choose File".

Step 5: Browse for the file on your device and click on "import" when you are done.

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nvm I got it, all I had to do is to run the "AndroidRuntime" .jar file

Ok, Good to know.

???? Really....

LOL what ? And how did you do it :thinking:

it seems to be you downloaded the aix file but got a zip file instead and you opened it using a zip file viewer?
if yes, rename the zip file into aix and import it into App Inventor


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

yea, I did

Haha, seems like I managed to surprise a POWER USER!

so, can you give me the latest version of your push notification extension?

you can find the download link always on my webpage
Simple Notification Extension to send a notification
protip: before using the extension, read the documentation, see especially Q6 there...


But, the latest version is from 2017! 3 YEARS AGO! You should probably try to make an up-to-date version, idk, a "Notification Extension 4"? I think you should test the extension on android 8, 9, and 10 devices

thank you for your suggestions...
it is a simple notification extension and currently only runs on older Android versions, i.e. < Android 8
therefore my recommendation for you is to use one of the other available notification extensions
I wil add a note on my webpage. thank you

Notification Extension by Juan Antonio
Notification to Status Bar Extension by Tiziano1960
New Improved Notification Extension by Tiziano1960
MediaStyle Notification Extension by Ken (15 USD)
Notification Badge Extension by Preet_Vadaliya
Notification Stype Extension by jarlissonlira2 with various types of notifications
Push Notification Extension by jarlissonlira2 to receive notification through onesignal

taken from the extensions directory

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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