📊 [Free] ChartMakerPlus - an extension to make google charts

You can add a border to the chart with a custom colour in the extraOptions:

backgroundColor: {
    stroke: 'black',


but this still leaves white border which is the html background.


I would need to add another parameter to the chartmaker to allow the setting of the html/body background colour.


OK, that has worked up:


Here is the extension:

uk.co.metricrat.chartmakerplusv3k1.aix (10.0 KB)

Will just need to update the extension documentation in the first post for everyone else


Thanks for update. :clap: :pray:
Why chart is not shown and webviewer remains blank when haven't net and offline mode? :thinking:

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[quote="[Free] ChartMakerPlus - an extension to make google charts Extensions, post:81, topic:36473"]
Try other chart methods for offline

which one?

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I might suggest this one:

Highcharts Setup on AI2


A post was split to a new topic: How do I remove the border on HighCharts?

post moved to new topic

How can I remove the border, because it doesn't change color in the dark mode :point_down: for #33ad8eff color?

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You will need to look into the documentation for highCharts to find out.

Sorry, I thought you had moved on to HighCharts :upside_down_face:

The google chart is placed inside a div in the body of the html page. By default the body has a default margin of @ 10px on an html page. You need to remove this, setting the margins to 0, in the css.

body { margin:0 !important;}

(if enabled, ensure you have the background-color strokeWidth set to 0 as well)

For the chart you can set the size of the chart in the javascript, to the window of the webpage using the width: window.innerWidth and height: window.innerHeight settings - in extraOptions (you may need to adjust these ,e.g. minus 1 or 2 in order to remove the scrollbars if they appear). This second part may not work/be necessaary, because the containing div has styles of 100% for width and height hard coded, outside of the javascript.


Hi, I'm trying to use this extension, and everything seems to be alright, but it doesn't show anything when I click the button, what could be a problem? Thank you

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You have not set your headers in the arrayTable. Try like this:


It works, thank you

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@TIMAI2 Is there a way to detect when the chart has been received from Google (presents on screen)?

Thank You

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As suggested in your help topic, and here on post #70


Thanks .. I knew it had to be something I was overlooking :persevere:

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Hello, How can i put some values in the center of pie chart if pie chart have piehole.
Screenshot 2022-04-08 194219

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This was previously asked in this topic:

I do not know of a direct solution with google charts for this

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Can someone help me with how to use the CSS socket in the Table Chart? Sometimes my table has only one row and I need to fix the height of the row. I really don't want that height automatic expansion.
Thank you all.

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Not had a chance to test, but you can try adding something like:

.cssClassNames: { tableCell: {height:15px} }
or just
.tableCell: {height:15px}

Make sure you add a semi-colon after the previous last entry


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Thank TIMAI2 for your answer. I tried but it's not working. I made a simple example attached here (.aia file). Can you take a look and find a way to fix it? Thank you.
AskTIMAI2_ChartMakerPlus1_TableChart.aia (13.6 KB)

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