Firebase app inventor

I created a simple login form using firebase.
Now on second screen user needs to enter a Code from which 7th and 13th number is extracted and printed on a label together like 20.

If user enters another code then same thing happens again but added in previous value like 20+50= 70. So 70 is printed in label.

And how can i same for individual user like
User1 logins and only his data is printed on the label

This code system of your is quite confusing.

Could you show us step by step, piece by piece?

  1. User e.g jack logins
  2. If jack has any data available already it prints on layout 2 label under Rs.
  3. If no then jack enters code when Enter is pressed then text at index 7th and 13th is extracted and gets printed on label. If another codes is entered again then it add to previous number.

I just started using app inventor. I watched a lot of tutorials but they didn't helped alot.

Still confused, especially how a single character at position 13 can numerically equal 13 when you add that character to 7 to get 20.

Give me an example of a single character that equals 13?

Now at index 7 and 13
25 should be printed in label

That sounds like taking a text JOIN of the two characters you extracted using the segment blocks.

I hope this is right.

How can i save this data for individual user
If user1 enter then he only gets his previous data printed saved on DB

It's what you asked for.
Whether that is right or wrong depends on who is determining what is right or wrong.

Yes it what i asked for thanks

Anything regarding this ????

Does this example help?