Fetch the data from the firebase and show it in the graphs and tables

I have the sensor values in my firebase realtime and i want create the table in which it shows the data on that date and i also want to show that data in the graph how can i do it

So, as you see I want the MIT app to read the real time data from the firebase and also use the previous values to graph them in the app. I want to make sure that the graph gets updated every time it receives new data

The key values in your DB look like they contain daily data, by day, month, year, in items 3,4,5 if you split the key at '_'.

If you ask for sensor1_TDS from Firebase bucket 'app', that should give you a dictionary with all the data.

The Clock component has blocks you can use to reassemble the date parts into an Instant, which you can convert into milliseconds from 1970, if you want a sorted date range.

Alternatively, build (day of month, value) pairs from a list of (key,value) pairs filtering by text CONTAINS('11_2024') for a specific month. That would feed an AI2 Chart component's ChartData well.