Error Code 4003 & 404 in Navigation function

So I was trying to do a GPS app, but then when I pressed my navigate button, it showed an error code 4003, then like a 404 something, can anyone help?

what about doing a search in the community?

Hey Matthew_Xie

It sounds like you're encountering errors in your GPS app on MIT App Inventor. Error code 4003 typically indicates a problem with the GPS signal or location services. Error 404 usually means the server or resource you're trying to access is not found.

Here's a detailed solution:

  1. Check your device's location settings to ensure GPS is enabled.
  2. Verify that your app has the necessary permissions to access location services.
  3. Ensure that your app's components (like the GPS sensor) are correctly configured and initialized.
  4. Test your app in different environments to see if the issue persists.
  5. If using a web service for navigation, ensure the URLs are correct and the server is accessible.

Using these steps should help resolve the errors you're encountering.

You can also visit to this


I've identified the problem and submitted a fix for review on our end. In the meantime, you can sideload an updated version of the companion for Android or join Apple TestFlight for the latest beta version.

Android Companion (2.70d1u): Dropbox - MITAI2Companion-270d1u.apk - Simplify your life

iOS Companion (TestFlight 2.64.6 build 6): Join the MIT App Inventor beta - TestFlight - Apple

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Sorry. working now

I entered the correct starting point and destination (latitude and longitude), but it shows Error 404.

Welcome @erichou

Are you using Companion 2.70d1u ? There is a bug with ors. See ewpatton's comment above. Until the bug is fixed the only way you can use ors is using that temporary Companion in live development.