Mit app inventor navigation request and got directions not working

To provide context to this issue me and my two friends created an app that mapped out a bunch of locations of a particular franchise in the MIT/ Boston area and first you had to click on a button to initialize your location, we did this by taking a marker and setting its lat and long to the users lat and long. Further, if you clicked on any of the markers that marked the location of that franchise it would tell your directions to that franchise using your position marker and the marker and MIT APP INVENTORS navigation component you selected. The directions were visualized using the Line String. It worked like a charm. We competed in a school science fair with it and placed. Now our teacher selected us to showcase this project at a local summit. We test our app again and it does not display any directions. So our code did not marinate well.

We figured that the API key for openrouteservice was expired and we created a new valid one and used that one. But still no directions.

We decided we can just redo the app and restart with something basic like finding the location between two markers it doesn't work. If this doesn't work we will be COOKED.

It is not shown here but I used labels to show if the program is receiving user input from clicking the marker and it did. Ex: Label would say clicked if user clicked on marker. And the label would say received if the got directions functions was executed. The dilemma I had with this is that the label would say clicked but never received. Therefore, I was able to conclude that the got directions function was not working

See here