I cannot compile the project. It works correctly when I use the AI Companion for test the app but It's not works when I try to generate the apk file using the tools of the menu. Please, correct it. Thanks.
Obviously the bug is in your project and not in ai2.
Delete the icon and try again. If that doesn't help, put your .aia project here.
How many instances of App Inventor are you running ?
Try closing everything down and start again with just one instance of App Inventor
Sorry, but I don't know how to make aia. Can you tell me how to create it?
I can give you only link to Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Khbzj-nTIqpLQ2SOthM7i2ANEoknW8IX/view?usp=drivesdk
Why not make that link public..
My link is public...
I think the problem is that you have opened many tabs of MIT App Inventor, so please try to close all tabs except one and compile one more time.
It is not public. Lack of access. Put the files here, not on the google drive.
You right! Simple, my .aia very big and I must share a link, and I don't know how right do it!
How big is the .aia file? How many MB is there?
My .aia has got 27,7mb
So at the border. How many screens? And the question is, did you try to remove the icon you added? In the google drive, give permission for the aia file so that anyone who has the link can download.
Yes, I tried to remove the icon it didn't help
Yes, I know 11 screens in the program.
I gave you access to .aia on Google Drive
Probably too big. App Inventor will add another 3.3mb or so when it compiles, taking you over the 30mb limit
I will try to make the program smaller, maybe this is the right decision, thank you!
it isn't working!
The program start download on 20% and then everything repeats
Share your aia file on google drive, then someone can take a look