Extension name: Listview Extension by Andres Cotes
Download AIX: co.com.dendritas.Listview.aix (13.7 KB)
Extension blocks:
Extension name: Listview Extension by Andres Cotes
Download AIX: co.com.dendritas.Listview.aix (13.7 KB)
Extension blocks:
Wow, Thanks a lot my friend
A post was split to a new topic: Please help me solve the problem. I am using WEBSOCKET SERVER with no changes
A post was merged into an existing topic: Please help me solve the problem. I am using WEBSOCKET SERVER with no changes
Extension name: Notification To Status Bar by Tiziano1960
Download AIX: com.tiziano1960.Notifications.aix (16.7 KB)
Extension blocks:
Android 7 work, Android 8-12 not work
Extension name: Notify_v3 by @ken
Download AIX: com.kennicholsandroid.Notify_v3.aix (27.3 KB)
Extension blocks:
Added to List, Thank you
Then upload it Anke
I'm not sure if I can still find the aix somewhere in the depths of my many computers / notebooks.
Added to List, Thank you Boban
Thanks for this aix
Extension name: PaletteColor Extension by Andres Daniel
Download AIX: co.com.dendritas.PaletteColor.aix (10.2 KB)
Extension blocks:
Hi Everyone, if you have some extensions from AppyBuilder or thunkable community on your laptop and the extensions you have aren't available here. Feel free to post them here.