Yail compiler - aapt execution failed

hola a todos soy Aprendiz hispano y tengo el siguiente fallo a la hora de compilar mi app creada 100 sin extenciones
Yail- Compiler AAPT Execution failed
he revisado los nombres de cada boton, de cada componente para que no se repita o lo este llamando dos veces en la misma ventana pero no se como indagar mas sobre el error

Have you checked

it might help to post a screenshot of the error message...
does it also mention DX execution failed in there?
in case of yes, see also

do you use extensions? if yes, which ones?


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Hola esta es la imagen del fallo no se si pueda compartir algo mas como el codigo por que la pagina app inventor no lo permite

merariapp archivo.aia (2.6 MB)

Hola comparto el archivo que exporte en .aia para que si alguna person a lo puede revisar y decirme que error estoy cometiendo le agraecere

Sorry. No one can tell you the exact reason you have the error based on the information you provided Elias.

This tends to happen if there are large images in the project.

Here is @SteveJG’s monster list of things to check https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/fLiMEfPh09Q/1Ia0AaQEXogJ Each point on the monster list might be the issue, why someone gets a DX execution failed error… that thread is a collection of several possibilities, which have been collected by @SteveJG during the years while answering questions like that… hope that helps

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  • Images far too big and not optimised (one image 8.7mb!!)
  • Poor Screen management, would lead to eventual app crashing
  • A file called "about:blank" was in your assets, this was preventing compilation

Try this aia, it compiled for me

merariapp_archivo_1_revised.aia (417.6 KB)

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