šŸ”” MelonNotification ā€¢ Various styled notifications + Itoo

šŸ”” Melon Notification

A rich library of various notification styles along with the combined power of Itoo

šŸ“š Documentation

Image resource

Any image resource provided to this extension may be

  • a full file path
  • an asset name
  • an URL starting with prefix url:
  • an icon from the default Android Drawable collections
    • it must start with the : prefix, for e.g.
    • only resources starting with ic_ are supported.

If you intend to your custom icon, then please ensure

  • the image is atleast 24x24
  • has a transparent background and white foreground



  • Create a notification group with the given name, description and importance.
    id is an internal identifier, name is the text displayed in app settings.
    Channel ā€¢ Android Docs

    • importance
      none 0, minimum 1, low 2, default 3, high 4, max 5
  • If you dont create a channel explicitly, a Default Channel will be created for you.


  • Create a new basic notification outline.
    It does not automatically post a notification, use the Post block.

  • After creating a basic outline (using this block), you can further top up the notification styles using any of BigTextStyle, BigPictureStyle, InboxStyle, MessagingStyle.

  • If the selected style is not supported by the device, it will fallback to default style (no-style).


  • For generating large-format notifications that include a lot of text.


  • For generating large-format notifications that include a large image attachment.
    • largeIcon: an image resource
    • bigPicture: an image resource
    • contentDescription: descripton of the big picture


  • For generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings.
    • lines: provide a list of messages/lines to be displayed


  • For generating large-format notifications that include multiple back-and-forth messages of varying types between any number of people.
    • person: This person's name will be shown when this app's notification is being replied to. Use the CreatePerson block

    • conversationTitle: to set a conversation title for group chats with more than two people.

    • messages: a list of messages created using the CreateMessage


  • Create a person object with the given details. To be used for the MessagingStyle and CreateMessage block.
    • personId: a unique person identifier
    • uri: optional string, mail or phone of the person, format:
      • A mailto: schema*
      • A tel: schema*


  • Create a message object with the given details. To be used for the MessagingStyle block.
    • person: the person who sent the message, use the CreatePerson block.
    • timestamp: time in milliseconds
    • historic: check true if this message is for contextual purpose


  • Add an action button to the notification that may open the app with a start value or call a procedure through Itoo.

    • intent: action i.e. to be performed after the button is pressed, use the CreateIntent or the CreateItoo intent block
    • isContextual: true if the user's action is based on the notification's content.
    • authRequired: true if device authentication is required to view the message
    • allowGeneratedReplies: a future prospect, check it to false always.
    • showUserInterface: true if the upon clicking, opens an user interface


  • Create an Intent object as required for the AddAction block or to normally set Notification's click Intent using the Intent block.
    • name: can either be a simple screen name or full activity name you want to open


  • Are you a fan of Itoo? Then this block is for you!
    You can create an Intent that will fire up your procedure even if your app is closed :fire:
    It requires the Itoo extension to be present in your screen.

    • screen: name of the screen where the procedure exists
    • arguments: a list of arguments that'll be used to call the procedure
    • alwaysOnMain: if true, the procedure will be normally called (on U.I) without Itoo only if the the application is active. If false, it will be called as a seperate process (standard background Itoo rules apply)


  • Posts the notification with the given Id. You may also use this to update a notification.
    If id is less than 1, a random Id will be choosen.


  • Cancels the given notification Id


  • Cancels all notifications posted


  • Can we post notifications? No? AskPermission then!


  • Asks for the notifications permission


  • ActiveNotificationIds returns a list of notification Ids that are currently active

  • AlertOnce only alerts the user ones, use this to update notifications quitely

  • AutoCancel if the notification should auto cancel upon click

  • CacheImages should extension cache images into memory? True by default.

  • Channel channel name to use for the next notification that'll be posted or updated.

  • Intent use the CreateIntent or the CreateItooIntent block to specify an action that'll take place when the user clicks on the notification.

  • LargeIcon for the notification.

  • ShowTimestamp If you want a timestamp to be shown along the notification to indicate the time when the notification was posted.

  • Subtext for the notification, for additional information, most of the times you dont require it.

šŸ’” Notes

  • ATM, you cannot receive button click events on Companion.
  • CreateItooIntent works only in compiled APK

šŸ§© Extension

The extension is open source under the GPLv3 license.

I'm a 16 year old high school student, I like to create and maintain many extensions. I research a lot daily to bring something new to App Inventor, while also helping others :smiley:

While my primary goal and perspective on App Inventor is not to earn money, it really helps and motivates me a lot if you could spare some donations. :hugs:

Paypal: paypal.me/XomaDev

V1.1 space.themelon.melonnotification.aix (58.8 KB)
Example project featuring all notification styles MlemonNotification.aia (830.3 KB)

A lot more stuff features coming in the future!

Thank you
Kumaraswamy B G


Another excellent extension from you once again. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :heart::fire:


Greate work :heart:


Stright to import the sample and compile it but when i open the app it crashed.

Edit on android 10

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Hotfix 1.1

  • Fixed bug causing app crash on older Androids
  • Added on Ongoing property block; makes the notification permanent when set to true

Thank you @Clouds_Workshop


When I press the button 1 it should open the UI right ? It doesn't. It only opens the UI when I click the notification.
The showUserInterface is referring to the button right ?

It is just to tell the Android system that whether or not clicking on the action shows the user interface. It does not add any additional functionality on its own.

No! It has been programed to instead start a Itoo procedure in background:

As you can see we are calling createItooIntent. So when you click Button 1, it will change the Label's text to tell you which button has been clicked:

But, if you want clicking on the Button to open up the user interface, then instead of calling the createItooIntent procedure, instead call this block:

Understood. Thanks.

I made the simple Notification call with only one function because if you want to call notifications with different texts every time you need to build all over again using multiple functions.
I suppose something similar can be done for adding buttons in notifications but it's more complicated.



an interesting extension.
please explain which version of android this can work with

there is a more customizable extension that was originally created. and here is the link to it:

  • events, settings with flags and buttons

Hey there. Great extension, easy to understand and use, however there are 2 issues that I am experiencing right now:

  • The notification ID, even though permitted to be a string in Android, I cannot set the ID to one, it just doesn't work, only if I have the ID set to an integer number, which presents a problem for my use case.

  • Intents. If I try to add an action button, or assign an intent to the notification (before posting it of course), I don't get the notification at all.

Notification ID can only be a number, you are referring to Notification Tag. I'll add support for Notification Tag on later updates.

Can you post your blocks please

Device Samsung a15, version 14

Does the example app ask for post notification permission?


I tested the aia example

I will check the permission

Edit: i check the permission and i found in the example aia the block of ask for permission not added, so i add it and it is work fine for me, but they not work on companion :frowning: it is crached

Yes, because the companion app does not offer post notification permission in the manifest


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I would be very glad if you would add the tag support, would be really nice to manage the individual notifications without having to create a separate channel, or at least be able to assign a string identifier to the channel.

This is the Channel creation block, executed via the Itoo foreground service:

This is a simple notification, works without issues, is generated via the foreground service as well:

This is a notification with an action button, it doesn't show up, is generated via the foreground service as well:

I should also tell you that I tried using the intent parameter directly, without the action button, didn't work as well, I tried directly linking the CreateIntent block, link the CreateIntent block to a procedure, and link the procedure to the intent parameter or the action button, didn't work either.

If I just use the simple build block, without the intent, works properly.

how to create count down notification work in background using melon notification

read this?

I have tried that method, has not worked.

What have you tried?
Start with a working example in the foreground, then follow the usage tips of itoo Open Source ā€¢ Background Tasks: Itoo šŸš€ and try to get it running in the background and if you got stuck, post a screenshot of your relevant blocks


  • Before you try to do something with Itoo, first get it working normally.
  • Do not use global variables, or try to access/set them.
  • Do not use user interface components such as Label, TextBox or even Notifier since there is no interface in background.
  • You cannot use Tiny DB, alternatively you are supposed to make use of the similar storage features Store/Fetch property blocks offered by this extension.
  • For the main background procedure, you need to include an argument "x".
  • You cannot use normal Event blocks in background, use RegisterEvent block to listen to component events.
  • You cannot run more than one foreground or background service.
  • A component does not get created until you touch any of its block.


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