Make (Vaccination) reminder based on schedule

what should i use for this? check list, list view or what

You can use any of those methods Jinsol or a ListPicker. Use what you are most comfortable coding. :slight_smile:

Here is an example using a ListView. This code works on my Android 13 and the old emulator. It uses the basic Notifier, not a push notification.

I adapted the timeBetweenDates posted above to use a ListOfPairs for the vaccinations and used a ListView to select the vaccine to check.

thank you very much. could i see the aia file so i can reproduce some blocks? i think i am starting to understand how this app works

i reproduce your blocks like this but i got some problem


as you can see, the DoB is in dec 2022, vaccination date in feb 2023, and vaccination due is in nov, 2023... thats mean the vaccination is on time but it got red

That AddMonths should appear on only one side of the >= (<=?) comparison.

You put it on both sides, cancelling it out.

Here is a version of that code that runs on an Android 13

But i need the vaccination date and DoB, not the block “clock1.Now” what should i do?

Adapt the responses as appropriate. To keep this simple the app does not keep track of whether the vaccine was given on not. If the proposed date passes, the app displays this in red. You can make this behave any way you like. :slight_smile: However as coded dates in the past always will show in read. If you want a different behavior you will have to provide the date the vaccine is actually administered. :cry:

Could i change the >/ blocks with the addMonths? Because i want to compare dob and vaccination date not the clock1.Now

Im not good in english so im sorry if i look like i lost in translation

I think i provided the date from the datepicker vaccination date/?

certainly you can compare the actual vaccination date. You have to be careful when you modify the code. You may have to provide separate code to schedule the immunization versus the date you actually provided the immunization.

You can provide the DoB date or the vaccination date using the the DatePicker instead of the TextBox date entry the code example uses.

Experiment .. kamsamida

If you see my blocks, i already use the datepicker for DoB and vaccination date.

I think the problem is in here. Could you give some advice?

Something is missing from your record keeping.

How do you distinguish between Planned Vaccination Date and Actual Vaccination Date,
and how do you represent the possibility that a vaccination has not been given yet?

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Perhaps you need to do this or

less than or equal might give you the response you want.

Actual vaccination date is determined by the month. It doesnt have a specific date. If parents input the DoB of their baby and input the vaccination date where they got after vaccinate, we will know if they are late or on time.

So you need a way to represent the unvaccinated status.
There are several ways to do this, with various complexity:

  • Keep vaccination date as text (MM/DD/yyyy?), with either blank or 'NEVER' to signify it hasn't happened yet
  • Keep vaccination date as milliseconds from 1970, with 0 to signify it hasn't happened yet

Whatever way you choose, you will need to test for that special case BEFORE applying any before/after time comparison.

Regarding date before/after tests, see

My plan, i will make the unvaccinated status in different screen, like in a vaccination history screen. This comparison date is for detail data screen

You only get 10 of them.

Use them wisely.

Wait, so MIT app only available for 10 screens?