Loops of multiple variables?

I'm setting a schedule that can update itself.
The details don't really matter, but -
If action 1 takes 5 minutes longer, the user uses the Spinner to add 5.
The app then shifts the times of all the subsequent times by that Spinner value.
Each event has a Spinner.
So, I set up a formula and just cut and pasted it over and over and it works.
However, I'm wondering if there isn't some way to make it into a loop.
Offhand, it means calling up variables, or maybe the text from a label/button, one by one.
Like - add Time(2) to Time(1)
then - add Time(3) to Time(2)
the question is, how do you change the number in the Variable, Time(n)??

Join?? Some sort of List?
Sorry, I can't figure it out.

Think how you would do this in a spreadsheet.

Use the spreadsheet component.

Also study lists and the Clock component for time math.