I'm trying to make this app connected to a firebase account since playlists and podcasts must always be updated, which blocks should I use? to display the one on firebase?
I'm using these 3:

I'm trying to make this app connected to a firebase account since playlists and podcasts must always be updated, which blocks should I use? to display the one on firebase?
Use the Firebase component to fetch the data
Use the Listpicker or Listview component to display the data
Use the VideoPlayer (or the Webviewer) component to play the videos
Use the Player component to play mp3 files
I can't find projects that can come close to this, so I would like to know which blocks I have to insert, I only need mp3s which in reality I don't know where to insert them (maybe google drive), and the player to listen to them, and a playlist where I can insert songs taken from YouTube URLs so when I push on what interests me it opens the YouTube page or I start listening to music.