[FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data

Hi guys. I'm tryng to change somthing in my app, but the companion doesn't work anymore if the app contains the tableviewer extension (i have the V4 installed).

Can some one help me ?

Is your companion the newest version? and if other extension working? newest version of this extension?

I have re-installed the companion yesterday .
I made a new project jast wiht 1 button e no blocks.
Tableviewer V4 loaded on extension.
connected the companion and picture is the results

We are now on version 8

I know, but i worte 3 huge apps whit the V4. and i need to make only a little change.
V4 has not the show table so i need to change a lot of blocks (10 screen every app with tableview for every screen). So i only want to figure out if the problem is mine o i need to update everything. thanks in advance

Oh, that app :wink:

Yes i'm not new to this topic. A company of about 230 deployees use those apps.

I don't know, if i make a new app with tableview V4 it works, if i use an old app with V4 it does't work... this is an old one and i removed the estension and the problem is still there.
TW_copiatest.aia (2.8 KB)

If testing with companion app, try clearing out all your assets in the companion app on your device.

I clean all the assets but no results. I lunch companion whit V4 and no screen on the phone is visible, then i update the extension to V8 an magically the sceen shows the app without reconnect the companion. So i think is necessary to update all.

Ok i clear all the folder \edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3 and reinstalled the companion and everything goes fine. The V4 works too.
Sorry for the waste of time. tanks

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Hi All,

Here I am again, with a question: How to show an image within a TIMAI2' TableViewer? I mean, how to show an image converted this way:

which is saved in a SQLite table. The field in table is TEXT.

Thanks in advance,

  1. It is not my Tableviewer, it is @Kevinkun s.

  2. Can you confirm the value coming out of your sqlite database is a base64 string of an image ?

  3. The method for displaying images in Tableviewer is documented here:
    [FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data - #59 by TIMAI2

  4. Not tested but it should be possible to construct a datauri to display the base64string without having to convert it back to a file.

  5. Do you know the mimetype/filetype of the image in the base64 String (e.g. gif/jpg/png/webp) ?

Had a chance for a quick test on this, unfortunately, not working....


Example datauri for a green square


Image datauris work ok in a webviewer, so you could use a dynamic html table instead.

Meanwhile @Kevinkun might be able to fix this ?

[EDIT - aah - spotted the problem, will hopefully fix and report back soon]

Not a tableviewer issue at all (apologies @Kevinkun), but a bug in the list from csv table block (incorrect handling of single quotes and commas inside them). You have to directly build a table:



I am doing this:

But the table does not show the record. What am I doing wrong?

It looks like you are trying to reshape a table row by row, but you aren't accumulating the new rows in a fresh table.

By the way, there is a new advanced list block to wrap that kind of transformation.

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You are not making a list of lists, which is required.

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Ah ok, thanks!!

Yes, that's right!! I had to do this row by row because of two fields that I need to show as an image, as you can see in my blocks.

Great. Where do I find this?