Built In Google Sheets Component for App Inventor

I just need to say that it's the best alternative to Firebase Database, the speed of this component is equal to the speed of Firebase DB and the notable thing is the API :100:**% completely free** with 300 read and write requests per minute.

:star_struck: Also no coding knowledge is required like Firebase DB as the Google Sheets Component is basically an Excel sheet.

TEST server is too old, and i cannot copy screens, I'm just testing out the component and all blocks on a regular basis and providing feedback. If you upgrade the test server version to latest, then I can provide all my project ideas even with free AIA

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I hope the main purpose of MIT APP INVENTOR is no code, then This component will be easy for beginners and zero coders to create a no code private and secured Database at no cost.
Hope the team will bring the component soon in next few future release.

I understand, but if the test server is gonna Wipeout, please send a reminder date to the users, as it might be very useful to take project backups.

(added to FAQ)

Sir, When i build apk file, there is an error. Server error: could not build target. Please try again later!.
any idea?

The spreadsheet component has been published, so the test server in this thread is no longer relevant. Please move any projects from the test server to either ai2.appinventor.mit.edu or code.appinventor.mit.edu.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Transferred from Google Sheets Test Server to aia server. Save to PDf no longer works

A post was merged into an existing topic: Transferred from Google Sheets Test Server to aia server. Save to PDf no longer works

Started a new topic for this, as not related to Google Sheets Component

sorry I'm a beginner, I tried to post data to google spreadsheets but it failed, am I wrong in creating the credentials or the block, please help me..

Did you create the ,json file mentioned in
and upload it to the Media folder?

Did you create a Google Project?

Did you create a service account email address?

Did you share update permission to your sheet with that service account?

What was the error message?

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yes sir, i have done it, i have created developer account, service account, generated key in json format then upload in media, but i failed to enter data into google spreadsheet

Pull in the Spreadsheet event block that catches errors, and have it post the error to a Notifier with an OK button, so you can catch and show the error here.

this is the error message,

Are the designer properties for the Spreadsheet component correct ? (Spreadsheet ID, Sheet Name, json file...)

finally I succes to post the data to google sheet, my mistake was when configuring the service account, thanks for the insight and your advice.. :pray:

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Can you post a screen shot of the solution, for the next person?

  1. set role of my credential as editor / owner
  2. then I generate key in json format

    checklist first and manage keys

This is useful to have on the forum. I'm sorry this process is so cumbersome, but we don't currently have a way to make the Google process smoother.

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