APK Build Failed Eror: icon issue

Hi there. I have a problem building my app and I get that message. I couldn't solve what's wrong. Could you provide me some details what I should do.

Are you using your own app icon ? Try removing it, does it compile now ?

Hello, i've started experiencing a similar error when trying to compile. I,ve tried allready to import the previous aia version that was
successfully compiled yesterday and today is not compiling anymore!!!

Does anyone have a clue of whats going on today? or of what happened from yesterday to today in Appinventor?

It seems the Icon...remove it or change it to a png format...in other topics that is working.

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Untill the problem is resolved, i found a way to continue working and building apks with the offline version of app inventor version 5 from AI2Offline at sourceforge.
First i've tried the lastest version 6 (from 2024-02-05) and gave the same error.

Hope it's helpfull

It works for me ! Thanks !

It also works for me.
Thank you.

This should be fixed now.

I broke it yesterday when I updated the buildservers. In an attempt to shrink the size of the buildserver image, I neglected to include the libraries needed to process JPEG images.

Sorry about that.

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same error

Same workaround