A post was merged into an existing topic: Please help me solve the problem. I am using WEBSOCKET SERVER with no changes
Extension name: Notification To Status Bar by Tiziano1960
Download AIX: com.tiziano1960.Notifications.aix (16.7 KB)
Extension blocks:
Android 7 work, Android 8-12 not work
Extension name: Notify_v3 by @ken
Download AIX: com.kennicholsandroid.Notify_v3.aix (27.3 KB)
Extension blocks:
Added to List, Thank you
Then upload it Anke
I'm not sure if I can still find the aix somewhere in the depths of my many computers / notebooks.
Added to List, Thank you Boban
Thanks for this aix
Extension name: PaletteColor Extension by Andres Daniel
Download AIX: co.com.dendritas.PaletteColor.aix (10.2 KB)
Extension blocks:
Hi Everyone, if you have some extensions from AppyBuilder or thunkable community on your laptop and the extensions you have aren't available here. Feel free to post them here.
Hi, does anyone have the 'CallLog and WhatsApp Utils Extension' by Andres Daniel?I can't seem to find it. Thank you!