Unable to open app with firebase

Hello i made an app using mit app inventor where i used firebaseDB experinamtal function. I build it as apk and then installed on my android 13 smartphone and when i tried to open it, i couldnt the app instantly closed but when i tried again with firebase deleted it worked nomaly. Does someone had the same issue? Could someone help me please?
I was trying to do it by this youtube tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxkNKbn--Xg

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Please show your relevant blocks and a screenshot of your Firebase Properties from the Designer.

Are you using your own firebase project, or the DEFAULT?

Yes sorry, edited it. I am not sure if i am using my own or default firebase project.

Looks like you are using your own firebase project. Is this setup on the us-central server ?

My guess about your immediate crash is the use of a Table Arrangement, which can be buggy.
Use vertical and horizontal arrangements instead to make your layout.

Thank you, this setup is on europe-west server. I created a new app to test you theory where i just had a buttons and firebase, there were no arrangement and it is still crashing instantly when i try to open it but when i tried to connect both apps with my phone via AI companion it worked just fine even the values on firebase server were updating. But when i was connecting the app to ai companion i got there some error ,which i have no idea what it means, that seens to not effect anything but maybe it is the reason of crashing the installed app:

Either create a new project on the us central server, which will work with the Firebase component, or use the web component to connect to Firebase.

Thank you, if i create database with us central server instead europe the app won´t crash on my phone. Thank you so much

(Added to Pitfalls section of FAQ)

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