TinyDB with buttons

Hi Carles

Just to let you know I haven't forgotten you. Busy with lots of things this week.
I'm making RB_Virtual5 for you to work with:

  1. I have added in-line comments everywhere to explain the processes.
  2. I have streamlined the statistics data extraction a little bit, since there will be a lot more data extraction once you finish the App.
  3. Since the App can output an html table file, I have removed the Table Extension and now the code simply displays the html table.
  4. Rather than having all the tables displayed, there can be a pick list to select a table - e.g. TLSI First 10 minutes, TLSI Last 10 minutes etc
  5. All the HTML Tables are saved to /Documents for transfer to a PC. I am doing the transfer here by simply emailing them from my phone. If you are going to perform a live demonstration of the App, you would probably want to send the files to the Cloud - Google Drive for example.
  6. I have changed the Chronometer to tick every 1 second. The App displays hours, minutes, seconds. The Players action times are recorded in milliseconds as they are easy to compare.
  7. Procedures have been changed so that they can be used for different but similar data sets - e.g. converting data to html table, table sort.

This is much more than I could have imagined when making the app.
Likewise, from html can it be passed to excel? To go up and update it, since my father knows how to do the time interval thing.

As always, very grateful.

It can't, but the App also saves CSV files for Excel :grin:

Thats awesome Chris, it will be a very good app.

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...got some niggles, introduced by the updated Companion I think. I will try to fix them tonight.

Don't worry Chris, thank you very much.

Hi Chris, how are you doing? Is there something I can help you with?

Hi Carles

I have re-arranged how the data is stored/retrieved - the bug I hit before was from one stray line of my code, using the 'old' timer solution. :zipper_mouth_face:

There is one more bug that is similarly difficult to track but I'll get there.

There is something you can do, yes. Currently, the CSV and HTML tables are saved in the Android Shared folder 'Documents'. If you are going to demonstrate the App live, passing the data to a PC, then you need code that will make the transfer look professional - all I do at the moment, via the phone, is to email the files to myself.

Take a look at Google Drive - that's easy to access from a PC, you just need App code that can send the files to Google Drive. I think it may be that the files will need to be initially saved in the 'ASD' directory (App Specific Directory) instead of 'Documents'.

It's possible for you to write a test App that sends files to Google Drive and later integrate the code into the main App. Search the Forum for 'Google Drive'.

In the presentation I will first show the app interface and then I will show the tables in excel (Google sheet).

What I have done with the previous files that were saved in "Documents" was to upload them to my Drive, I don't know if that is what you mean.

Yes, I mean that :grin:

The CSV tables can actually be shown in Excel on the phone too, but the best presentation is the HTML

So if the HTML tables appear in the app, if I show the app it would be much better, right?

I think so - but you can also show them on a PC too - it's good to show flexibility because you need a big screen to show a wide audience.

Yes, I'll connect my PC to the projector to show it in a big screen.

Anything you need I am here.
As always thankful.

Change the extension from .txt to .html, put the file anywhere on your PC and double-click it to load into the browser.

SEASON_SQUAD_STATS_09_07_2022.txt (2.6 KB)

That thable it's better than the excel tables. Then I can change the words in English to Spanish, right?

...or into Chinese if you want to :upside_down_face:

Hahaha perfect.
The tables of the intervals of for example the top scorers in the last 3 minutes can be done like this too? Because if not in excel I can do it and that way I give you a little less work.

Yes, all the tables are made by the same block of App Inventor code. Also, because they are html tables, they fit different-size screens, including a smart phone screen.

And are they updated every time you save a match? Because if so I'm freaking out

Yes they are - one button tap. The files are date-stamped.