I was trying to run this blocks but when it is score changed or i used the bottom button it is just crash and close the app inventor. Can anyone help me with this issue ?
I will be appreciate it
I was trying to run this blocks but when it is score changed or i used the bottom button it is just crash and close the app inventor. Can anyone help me with this issue ?
I will be appreciate it
I have the same issue too with the asset pack but I found the solution by making a new one from Google and I make the cube by my self.
Here are some of the cube but not all of them because I just only got these.
Hi DreamLZ,
So can you explain me, what exactly you changed so it works now? I also downloaded my own blocks, because the original ones aren't available anymore. Still I get the following error:
My blocks look the following:
Can you help me and tell me, what I could try changing.
Thanks a lot!
Here I made all the cubes from yours.
Btw I found now the solution. If you have the same error as I had, do the following:
1.) Click on the extension "Tetris"
2.) Deactive there the property "Enable music" and set None for Background music. Now it works for me
Hello is there any way to speed up the pacing of the game for difficulty?
Uhm I'll see
Is this what you did to fix this error? I am having the same problem.
hi is there any chance you can help me with making a leaderbord with the top scores and using firebase with name of the palyer next to it? thanks
Hey,so im trying to cretae this but when i click to start it doesnt work .Im kinda lost in what to do to fix it .
Here are my blocks and config
btw i have folowed this guide if anyone has to better guide to suggest im open to recommendations
I just finished making a tetris game. When I tested it, the blocks won't show up and it show this error.
you already get your answer in the error message:
Add a CreateRenderer block, maybe in Screen.Initialize event.
I just realized you already have this block in startgame procedure, try to move it to Screen.Initialize event.
You can see other users with a similar error have solved it disabling the music:
I'll soon come up with an update that fixes these errors.
Is this only work in 10≤Android