Testing the next release of MIT App Inventor (nb184)

"By August 3, 2020, new apps must target at least Android 10 (API level 29). By November 2, 2020, all apps that are being updated must target at least Android 10 (API level 29)."

I've tried the testing environment. I am not sure if I can build an APK and upload it to PlayStore from the mentioned test link. However I tried it and got the following error.

What I inferred is that the app should be built after nb184 will be live. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Take the hint, your app has overstayed its welcome and must escape to safety.

Export the .aia file from the test server, and reload it into the production server.

If you did not add new component types, you should be okay to build from the production server.

We are planning for the release to go live Thursday night US Eastern time.


Export the keystore from http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/ and import it into ai2-test server and try again.

It worked. Thank you :slight_smile:

I found this little bug:


It only happens when switching to external inputs.

Thanks for the report, @Italo.

Edit: A fix has been reviewed and will be in the bugfix release:

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Revoke the new relaease now and only provide it if its running without corrupting previously written APKs.
Never change a running timer and above all don't bring it fall with nice to haves.