my app is unable to open the .html file
i am using Taifun's extension but the app is showing a blank screen (yes , the files are uploaded in the app inventor )
blocks :
screen 1
So as soon as the file issue is fixed the "app not installed problem is solved"
So answer to my all questions is : wait till MIT comes up with a fix
no other laptop showed this error at top , but this one really does
this msg came on the top of the screen & disappeared in a second
i really worked hard to take its screen shot!
Can you tell me what's the next step as i am unable to understand that!
i have no problem in sharing my AIA file
the project needs to be submitted to someone else & they won't be getting this support
Now u tell Should i send?
You can PM me the project. Once we can understand what's causing the issue we can ideally deploy an update to fix it for everyone (including whomever you share the project with).
@Patryk_F that is almost said by everybody but i am not having 27 screens
i had only 5-6 screens , earlier i had many but they were deleted so its name is Screen 27
Well , work is in progress
The physical screens have been now changed to virtual screens