Table Arrangement Blooper Reel

This thread is a collection of broken Table Arrangement .scm JSON subtrees, in support of ideas as to how to fix them and how to avoid problems with them in the future.

Thanks to the author of APP_03, whose copy/paste fumbles created these.

Individual posts will deal with separate problems.

1 Like

                                            $Name: TableArrangement7
                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                            $Version: '1'
                                            Columns: '3'
                                            Width: '-1100'
                                            Rows: '1'
                                            Uuid: '-654697837'
                                                    $Name: Label51
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Width: '-1033'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '390073142'
                                                    $Name: Label52
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '2'
                                                    Width: '-1033'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '910850382'
                                                    $Name: Button1
                                                    $Type: Button
                                                    $Version: '7'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFFF00
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    Width: '-1033'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Text: refresh
                                                    Uuid: '348438134'

This looks simple:
1 row, 3 columns, with 3 subcomponents.
The subcomponents are identified by zero based row and column numbers:
(row,column) Type/Name
(0,0) Label/Label51
(0,2) Label/Label52
(0,0) Button/Button1

Notice how two of the three items are asking to be in the same cell (0,0).

I call this pattern mermaid pants.


                                            $Name: manhinh_manual
                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                            $Version: '1'
                                            Columns: '8'
                                            Width: '-2'
                                            Rows: '3'
                                            Uuid: '-2079434562'
                                            Visible: False
                                                    $Name: Label53
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '16'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Text: Máy Bơm
                                                    Uuid: '-302745476'
                                                    $Name: Label66
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Width: '-1005'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '372597190'
                                                    $Name: ON_BOM
                                                    $Type: Button
                                                    $Version: '7'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &H00B0FFE1
                                                    Column: '3'
                                                    Height: '42'
                                                    Width: '42'
                                                    Image: power-on.png
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-1226697516'
                                                    $Name: OFF_BOM
                                                    $Type: Button
                                                    $Version: '7'
                                                    Column: '5'
                                                    Height: '42'
                                                    Width: '42'
                                                    Image: power-off.png
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-327439081'
                                                    $Name: Label67
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '4'
                                                    Width: '-1003'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-2026281730'
                                                    $Name: Label68
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &H00B0FFE1
                                                    Column: '2'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Width: '-1003'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-98965711'
                                                    $Name: Label60
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &H00B0FFE1
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '16'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Text: Đèn
                                                    Uuid: '-1193344989'
                                                    $Name: ON_DEN
                                                    $Type: Button
                                                    $Version: '7'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &H00B0FFE1
                                                    Column: '3'
                                                    Height: '42'
                                                    Width: '42'
                                                    Image: power-on.png
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Uuid: '-765214770'
                                                    $Name: OFF_DEN
                                                    $Type: Button
                                                    $Version: '7'
                                                    Column: '5'
                                                    Height: '42'
                                                    Width: '42'
                                                    Image: power-off.png
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Uuid: '-677971252'
                                                    $Name: BOM_BOX
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFFFFF
                                                    Column: '7'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '18'
                                                    Width: '-1020'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                    TextColor: &HFF0000FF
                                                    Uuid: '-1297015242'
                                                    $Name: Label72
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '6'
                                                    Width: '-1004'
                                                    Row: '1'
                                                    Uuid: '-1938206331'
                                                    $Name: DEN_BOX
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFFFFF
                                                    Column: '7'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '18'
                                                    Width: '-1020'
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                    TextColor: &HFF0000FF
                                                    Uuid: '433559221'
                                                    $Name: Label69
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &H00B0FFE1
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Width: '-1004'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-1733278091'
                                                    $Name: Label73
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '4'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Width: '-1004'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-859786527'
                                                    $Name: Label74
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '4'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Uuid: '-1016559829'
                                                    $Name: Label75
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &H00B0FFE1
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Uuid: '-275910417'
                                                    $Name: Label76
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &H00B0FFE1
                                                    Column: '2'
                                                    Height: '-2'
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Uuid: '-1524854285'

This has 3 rows, 8 columns.
It might be okay, but to be safe let's see what fits where.
(row,column) type/name
(0,1) Label/Label53
(0,0) Label/Label66 <- dup
(0,3) Button/ON_BOM
(0,5) Button/OFF_BOM
(0,4) Label/Label67
(0,2) Label/Label68
(2,1) Label/Label60
(2,3) Button/ON_DEN
(2,5) Button/OFF_DEN
(0,7) Label/BOM_BOX
(1,6) label/Label72
(2,7) Label/DEN_BOX
(0,0) Label/Label69 <- dup
(0,4) Label/Label73
(2,4) Label/Label74
(2,0) Label/Label75
(2,2) Label/Label76

So this has multiple subcomponents in the same cell (0,0) too.

  $Name: TableArrangement14
                                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                                            $Version: '1'
                                                            Column: '0'
                                                            Width: '-1100'
                                                            Row: '1'
                                                            Rows: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '2072018724'
                                                                    $Name: TextBox3
                                                                    $Type: TextBox
                                                                    $Version: '6'
                                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFF00FF00
                                                                    Column: '0'
                                                                    FontBold: True
                                                                    FontItalic: True
                                                                    Height: '-1006'
                                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                                    Hint: Giá trị ánh sáng ON
                                                                    Row: '0'
                                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                                    Uuid: '1763568584'
                                                                    $Name: TextBox4
                                                                    $Type: TextBox
                                                                    $Version: '6'
                                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFF0000
                                                                    Column: '1'
                                                                    Height: '-1006'
                                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                                    Hint: Giá trị ánh sáng OFF
                                                                    Row: '0'
                                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                                    Uuid: '1606938252'

For this Table Arrangement nested inside another Table Arrangement,
the anomaly is in the lack of an attribute Columns, with the column count.
The subcomponents identify themselves as being in
(0,0) and (0,1), so there should be at least 2 columns.

                                                    $Name: TableArrangement13
                                                    $Type: TableArrangement
                                                    $Version: '1'
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Columns: '1'
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Uuid: '-994695147'
                                                            $Name: Label83
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            Column: '0'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '19'
                                                            Width: '-2'
                                                            Row: '0'
                                                            Text: ĐÈN
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '257372705'
                                                            $Name: TableArrangement14
                                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                                            $Version: '1'
                                                            Column: '0'
                                                            Width: '-1100'
                                                            Row: '1'
                                                            Rows: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '2072018724'
                                                                    $Name: TextBox3
                                                                    $Type: TextBox
                                                                    $Version: '6'
                                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFF00FF00
                                                                    Column: '0'
                                                                    FontBold: True
                                                                    FontItalic: True
                                                                    Height: '-1006'
                                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                                    Hint: Giá trị ánh sáng ON
                                                                    Row: '0'
                                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                                    Uuid: '1763568584'
                                                                    $Name: TextBox4
                                                                    $Type: TextBox
                                                                    $Version: '6'
                                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFF0000
                                                                    Column: '1'
                                                                    Height: '-1006'
                                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                                    Hint: Giá trị ánh sáng OFF
                                                                    Row: '0'
                                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                                    Uuid: '1606938252'

This is the parent Table Arrangement of the prior posts' Table Arrangement.
Here, the situation is reversed, where the Table Arrangement has a Columns attribute, but no Rows attribute.

                                            $Name: manhinh_auto_cambien
                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                            $Version: '1'
                                            Width: '-2'
                                            Rows: '3'
                                            Uuid: '226714163'
                                            Visible: False
                                                    $Name: TableArrangement10
                                                    $Type: TableArrangement
                                                    $Version: '1'
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Columns: '1'
                                                    Width: '-1100'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-1286139858'
                                                            $Name: TableArrangement12
                                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                                            $Version: '1'
                                                            Column: '0'
                                                            Row: '1'
                                                            Rows: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '-1548115738'
                                                                    $Name: TextBox1
                                                                    $Type: TextBox
                                                                    $Version: '6'
                                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFF00FF00
                                                                    Column: '0'
                                                                    FontBold: True
                                                                    FontItalic: True
                                                                    FontSize: '14'
                                                                    Height: '-1006'
                                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                                    Hint: Giá trị độ ẩm đát ON
                                                                    Row: '0'
                                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                                    Uuid: '1844179721'
                                                                    $Name: TextBox2
                                                                    $Type: TextBox
                                                                    $Version: '6'
                                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFF0000
                                                                    Column: '1'
                                                                    FontBold: True
                                                                    FontItalic: True
                                                                    FontSize: '14'
                                                                    Height: '-1006'
                                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                                    Hint: Giá trị độ ẩm đât OFF
                                                                    Row: '0'
                                                                    TextAlignment: '1'
                                                                    Uuid: '-1248140415'
                                                            $Name: Label82
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            Column: '0'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '19'
                                                            Row: '0'
                                                            Text: BƠM
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '1962749516'

This triple decker nested Table Arrangement stack alternates between missing Columns and Rows attributes.

                                            $Name: manhinh_auto_time
                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                            $Version: '1'
                                            Columns: '5'
                                            Width: '-2'
                                            Rows: '5'
                                            Uuid: '1198558126'
                                                    $Name: Label88
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Width: '6'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '2136189029'
                                                    $Name: TimePicker2
                                                    $Type: TimePicker
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFC800
                                                    Column: '3'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '14'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Shape: '1'
                                                    Text: Thời gian tắt bơm
                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                    Uuid: '-688506230'
                                                    $Name: TimePicker1
                                                    $Type: TimePicker
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFF00FFFF
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '14'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Shape: '1'
                                                    Text: Thời gian bật bơm
                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                    Uuid: '-485827687'
                                                    $Name: TimePicker3
                                                    $Type: TimePicker
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFF00FFFF
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '14'
                                                    Shape: '1'
                                                    Text: Thời gian bật bơm
                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                    Uuid: '-609903655'
                                                    $Name: TimePicker4
                                                    $Type: TimePicker
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFC800
                                                    Column: '3'
                                                    FontBold: True
                                                    FontSize: '14'
                                                    Row: '2'
                                                    Shape: '1'
                                                    Text: Thời gian tắt đèn
                                                    TextColor: &HFF000000
                                                    Uuid: '-1939318873'
                                                    $Name: Label90
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '2'
                                                    Width: '-1001'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-741378348'
                                                    $Name: Label91
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    Height: '-1005'
                                                    Row: '1'
                                                    Uuid: '-481420139'

This roomy Table Arrangement has 5 rows and 5 columns.
Unlike the other Time Pickers, TimePicker3 lacks both Row and Column attributes.
What cell should it occupy?

                                            $Name: iconclock
                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                            $Version: '1'
                                            Width: '-2'
                                            Uuid: '1853524094'
                                            Visible: False
                                                    $Name: Image5
                                                    $Type: Image
                                                    $Version: '6'
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    Height: '70'
                                                    Width: '70'
                                                    Picture: clock.png
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-78790604'
                                                    $Name: Label92
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Width: '-1040'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-1943924102'
                                                    $Name: Label93
                                                    $Type: Label
                                                    $Version: '5'
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    Height: '-1003'
                                                    Row: '1'
                                                    Uuid: '-210533348'

This Table Arrangement lacks both a row and column count.

From the fixed one, I took a blind guess

I prefer doing i this way, easier to see where is missing..

                                            $Name: TableArrangement6
                                            $Type: TableArrangement
                                            $Version: '1'
                                            Columns: '3'
                                            Width: '-2'
                                            Uuid: '628783032'
                                                    $Name: VerticalArrangement4
                                                    $Type: VerticalArrangement
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    AlignHorizontal: '3'
                                                    AlignVertical: '2'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFC5BEFF
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Height: '-1008'
                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-1710711804'
                                                            $Name: Label41
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Text: Nhiệt độ không khí
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            TextColor: &HFF0000FF
                                                            Uuid: '2087112353'
                                                            $Name: NDKK_BOX
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Height: '25'
                                                            Width: '-2'
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '1728121216'
                                                    $Name: VerticalArrangement5
                                                    $Type: VerticalArrangement
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    AlignHorizontal: '3'
                                                    AlignVertical: '2'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFC800
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    Height: '-1008'
                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                    Row: '0'
                                                    Uuid: '-554057164'
                                                            $Name: Label42
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Text: Độ ẩm không khí
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            TextColor: &HFF0000FF
                                                            Uuid: '1595810365'
                                                            $Name: DAKK_BOX
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Height: '25'
                                                            Width: '-2'
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '2025010315'
                                                    $Name: VerticalArrangement6
                                                    $Type: VerticalArrangement
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    AlignHorizontal: '3'
                                                    AlignVertical: '2'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFAFAF
                                                    Column: '0'
                                                    Height: '-1008'
                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                    Row: '1'
                                                    Uuid: '1088484750'
                                                            $Name: Label44
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Text: Độ ẩm đất
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            TextColor: &HFF0000FF
                                                            Uuid: '558683148'
                                                            $Name: DAD_BOX
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Height: '30'
                                                            Width: '-2'
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '1400177272'
                                                    $Name: VerticalArrangement7
                                                    $Type: VerticalArrangement
                                                    $Version: '4'
                                                    AlignHorizontal: '3'
                                                    AlignVertical: '2'
                                                    BackgroundColor: &HFFFFFFFF
                                                    Column: '1'
                                                    Height: '-1008'
                                                    Width: '-1050'
                                                    Row: '1'
                                                    Uuid: '-261789865'
                                                            $Name: Label46
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Text: Ánh sáng
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            TextColor: &HFF0000FF
                                                            Uuid: '-1585739549'
                                                            $Name: AS_BOX
                                                            $Type: Label
                                                            $Version: '5'
                                                            FontBold: True
                                                            FontSize: '15'
                                                            Height: '30'
                                                            Width: '-2'
                                                            TextAlignment: '1'
                                                            Uuid: '1188801137'

TableArrangement6 lacks a row count.

To summarize the preceding posts, I found

  • missing row and column counts in nested Table Arrangements
  • missing row and column attributes in some Table Arrangement subcomponents
  • overlapping (row,column) values for subcomponents of the same Table Arrangement

Compared to the Horizontal and Vertical Arrangements, the Table Arrangement is a brittle tangle of inter-component cross references.

The functionality of a (m,n) Table Arrangement could instead be attained by inserting a Vertical Arrangement containing m Horizontal Arrangements, each containing n Vertical Arrangements.
(This assumes the Designer can add multiple components at a time.)

Just to be clear, App Inventor does not store values when they are the default (otherwise projects would be absolutely huge). So if you don't see a "Rows" or "Columns" value, those both default to 2. Row and Column default to -1, so this in theory should never happen if the component is dropped into the table arrangement (since there is no such row/column -1 in the UI). As for the others, they are bugs that will just need to be squashed some day.


(Test post)
Can I download a broken .scm file from here directly to a running AI2 app?
Screen1 - Copy.txt (17.8 KB)

Note to self: Yes, if I rename the extracted .scm file to a .text file, and copy the URL of the attachment into a text block in my analysis app.

This mitigates having to load the .scm file through a Media upload and breaks through my devices' cloistered file system walls.

For future reference when another broken Table Arrangement comes along, here is an AI2 app to download a broken .scm file from this board, and report on its Table Arrangement anomalies. The sample run is off the file in my prior post, Screen1.scm of APP_03.

Table_Arrangement_Scanner.aia (12.0 KB)

The app downloads an unzipped .scm file, trims three lines of non-JSON, and extracts the remains as a dictionary (Form).

Because there's a lot of work to do, I used a global list to act as a work queue for the analysis, one object per item, starting from the Form. I use a Clock Timer to process each object, and to show progress.

I did not pay too much attention to which parts of each object I stacked, since they would all be reached eventually and the sub-objects would eventually come up for analysis.

Since I remove the top of my queue each cycle, it must eventually deplete, and we are done.

I add the component type to each name I extract, to insure uniqueness.

We are only interested in TableArrangements in this little app.

We collect all the subcomponents of the Table Arrangements, and build up a dictionary of all its (row,column) pairs and their components.
A duplicate or broken (-1) pair is flagged as an error.

1 Like

(added to FAQ)

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